Twilight Town. More people plus stuggling ftw xD. And the sunset looks great.
I swordfight a bit yeah. Absolutely love it. I'm not that bad, but I've yet to face an actual, proper opponent xD. I've versed people at my tae-kwon-do when I did it but they were sorta well...umm noobish xD. So yeah, would LOVE to fight and actual opponent. Tae-Kwon-Do also taught me how dodge more cause I'm not that strong, and I'm better at parrying than actuall blocking.
Well actually the other day a kid in my English class had to do a speech on illegal shipping of movies and stuff like that, you know, downloading movies and all illegally. I guess what he said about it sorta relates to porn in a way too. He basically said that illegal movies help the people selling them to gain money, to get into all sorts of stuff like drugs. I mean, no offense, but you don't have to do much to get into the porn industry, so most of the people that do get into it are sorta well layabouts and stuff, they can easily slip into the drug stuff as well. I myself don't have a problem with porn, just as long as people don't get too into it eg. Sexual Abuse, Stalking, etc. As for the whole terrorism thing I really don't know how porn helps with that xDD
YES! I REMEMBER YOU! Omg everyone's changed their names! Ah...I almost want to change my name now xD Hows it going?
That'd probably be the engineer's choice lol. I swear I've heard someone say that to me before :3 Hmmm, I'd probably be a realist, tipping ever so slightly towards pessimist. For some odd reason, being that slight bit more pessimist helps to keep me grounded, cause if I get too optimistic I tend to make stupid mistakes. But then again, thats sorta the same if I get too pessimistic lol.
*nods* He speaks the truth.
Well I reckon "Shade Tail" is a pretty badass new name lol Oh btw TKM thats a pretty awesome Basch sig you got there, sir! Yeah I'm now slightly more knowledgeable on FF now xD. While I was away I went and bought FFX despite it being so old, Crisis Core and FFXII :3 Prior to that I only had the KH series :/
Lol yeah speaking of anime conventions I actually went to my first umm "Comic-Con" Type thing about a month ago. Its called SupaNova in Australia :3. An we went on the day when there was this cosplay competition so there were so many cosplayers yeeeoooww it was awesome xD. And the best part was I bought this wooden katana, painted black and everything, but we had to have lunch at the nearest shopping centre (cause the line was too big at SupaNova), so I had to lug this bigass sword through the place haha and everyone was staring at me xD. Good fun. Omg is it Goimez? You changed your name! Nice new name (or did you change it a while back?) Yeah I'm back (sorta). Actually I have more work than ever now, so I shouldn't be on, but I'm kinda bored so I come to have a look around the forums at times xD. And yeah I still have the sig hehe it was a pretty good sig when it came out :P
Lol I remember you too! xD Hows it going? Anime Club eh? We used to have a Yugi-Oh competition/club thing at our school. I never joined cause I never actually knew how to play :3
Ummm wow we're still alive lol. Haven't been year in almost a year now I think. Ahhh and I still have the sig lol. Its kinda embarrassing but I don't actually have a replacement sig lol to cover up the "gaping hole" that would appear if I remove the family sig lol. So how is everyone? (XD thats what I said the last time I was here and I didn't even respond to those who replied :/)
Yeah I'm Christian too, and I like both TFK and Skillet, but I don't like the bands BECAUSE I'm Christian. I just like them for their sound. For me, the fact that they're Christian is just an added bonus :3
Ehhh...too lazy. Lol I should try more.
Rock With You (quite relaxing lol), then Billie Jean, then Beat It. ABC by the Jackson Five was quite good too. XD.
Hmmm probably the hot rod car things...they bloody kept aggro-ing on me. Then probably the crimson jazz much aerial recovery arrghhh. Oh yeah, and in KH1 with all the fat heartless coupled with the fact you have a low level really screwed me over.
Terra. XD. He just looks more badass. Lol and he looks really strong. Oh and he looks a bit like Zack Fair too, and Zack is awesome :3 Then probably Ven, his fighting style looks decent with the whole reverse-grip keyblade thing going on, and then Aqua, cause I don't really use magic lots XD (and Aqua seems to be the main magic out of the three in BBS).
eeep :p omg so long since I been here! Congrats on finishing Uni! :glomp: Btw hell good profile pic! >.> Yeah...can always count on me to...
Yeah my friend IRL just showed me this. Heaps good! Can't wait for FFVSXIII! PS. I think Noctis looks a bit like Cloud in that costume
87 Damn edits
81 Argh so many posts!
English.... Though I did know a bit of Hindi then forgot it all when I moved here.