So could most countries with Nuclear weapons
Hmmm dogs. Cats seem to me at times -.-' Not saying I run away, its just they just start running at me, like full on charging at me. Lol its kinda embarrassing actually
Lol its quite good, and the movie is pretty awesome too lol. Back on topic, after I finished 'Of Mice and Men', I started reading 'The Amber Spyglass' by Philip Pullman, even though I've already read it before xD. The whole series is so awesome!
Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Prince of Persia
OMG, thats so weird that you mentioned that, we're reading that now for English lol. Actually I finished it, but we're doing study on it now. I thought it was good, but just a little bit too short. I actually preferred To Kill A Mockingbird, nearly the same context.
Ah yes. Engineering. XD its one of the careers I've wanted for a long time strangely. As for what type, I'm not sure yet, but I think I've ruled out mining lol. Thank God for first year of uni being general engineering :3
Lol omg sorry I was bit slow when I posted back was late at night here and I was tired ok? XD. So...have you got over your writer's block now?
Oh. RPG on this site? I used to do RPG's on this site, then I sorta left... :/. But I've never done web-comics before, what are they like? Oh I g2g, probably won't reply soonish, sorry
Oh you write stories?
XD Thanks! How are you? Meh this whole week has been so busy, arghhh, but I think I'm free of tests for next week, so happy thank god lol
Lol no thanks I'll be fine xDD. So hows it going anyway? (apart from the cut)
Oh snap! Thats gotta hurt!
Ah, yeah, I see now. Woot welcome back!
Yeah, first, I'm a Australian too (though I don't love this country as nearly as I should), but I don't live in Sydney. I personally don't see whats wrong with Australia for living off donations and earning so much by begging. In India, (yes I am Indian, but I live in Australia) I knew of a few beggars who were literally millionaires , due to their begging (although I don't know what the exchange rates were back then). However, unlike this guy, they begged solely for their own needs, unlike this guy who at least gives his money to his friend with the liver problem. So yeah, I see where you're coming from, but I don't understand how it makes Australia a joke.
Ummm what little guy lol?
Lol @ Efron and Robert Pattinson xD. WTF is the world coming to lol (not saying anime is bad)
Yeah PS3 for FFXIII and Versus XIII too (even though it'll take a while). Even longer for KH3 whenever that comes out.
Man, firstly, whatever that woman said is just wrong. But like VGN said, you can't just judge all Christians on this woman. You get weirdos in every religion, its just the way some people take everything too literally. While the Bible is, as you say, 2000+ years old, most of it is true, but the stuff (eg. "Thank God for dead soldiers") mentioned in the video, yeah the stuff about it being bad is definitely outdated. Unfortunately, this woman is one of those people that still believe that they should believe in it. Don't worry though, I'm sure most Christians in the world will hate her xD
Yeah, why do you hate it?
Halo 3 OMG! My friends keep going on about it its like "Arrghhh shut up!" (but then again I go on about FF and KH to them :3). Oh and Sims, yeah I find that game kinda pointless but lots of people like it too.