Spoiler: pokemon episode 862 Ash and Serena's First Date! The Vow Tree and the Present! so pokeshipping will never be a thing.
does anyone know how to get the secret mission on the demo?
no battle frontier?
i took one last term. it was pretty cool. the good thing about it is not having to go to school early in the morning. and there is no time specific homework to turn in; you can turn it in on the last minute before it hits midnight.
yea it sucks that it ended on a fanfiction. even bolt wishes to be in one piece instead of there.
the final chapter of naruto has been made Spoiler and it ended off having a weird fire emblem ending and most of the old people still looking young Spoiler naruto x hinata Spoiler sakura x sasuke Spoiler NARUTO BECAME HOKAGEsocker
i might get it since i never got to finish beating it.
where to begin? pictures of shirtless man girls who post "i look hideous" and her picture is her on make up and doing sexy poses people who just post ******ing things (not this site though) POSTING FOOD so i'm annoyed by facebook
hey welcome to the site. just follow the rules and you'll be fine.
yes you could say that dub is mondo cool
who doesn't like dub anime Spoiler: 18+ or whatever
is everyone going to use a hoenn pokemon team for the story? my hoenn team will be: swampert glalie shiftry altaria torkoal gabite(i know he's not hoenn but he is my main pokemon)
it's official now my goal is to get the wii u version.
zombie vampire pirate anime dating sim. where the captain zombie fall in love with the captain vampire and later on they have tentacle porn with a giant squid.
no it's all together
so another pirate warrior sequel is coming out on the ps3 and the ps4 in 2015. we might be able to play as sabo and even donflamingo. i feeling hype for when it comes out.
and i will be able to change my name. so if people will forget about me, remember that master08996 will always be here for everyone.
this game feel like a trap that you can't return. no customization a possibility of not trading pokemons from x/y to or/as needing to buy random pokemon stuff to get serial codes why does hoenn screw with people?
so im guessing the plot is you wasted all your money on crack and decided to work at another Freddy place with more creepy animatronics that will end up killing you. also why not call it "ten nights at freddy's"