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  1. CaptainMIG

    I did it

    I've survive college and will get my associates degree. Now all I have to do is go for another two years to get my bachelor and I could be set.
    Thread by: CaptainMIG, Mar 11, 2015, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. CaptainMIG
    i did; i waited at least 30 minutes before i gave up.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Mar 11, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. CaptainMIG
    that's what i've been doing but most of the time it keeps telling me that i can only play offline. and when i find a server, i wasn't able to find any online quests and then i get kicked out of the server.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Mar 10, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. CaptainMIG
    this post can be lock now. i talk to the company and they were able to put in my account onto the new 3DS. the bad new is that i lost all my save data meaning rip dr mario.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: Technology
  5. CaptainMIG
    i got mine on the xbone. does anyone know when the server is going to be fix; i need to go online and train my characters.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Mar 9, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. CaptainMIG
    So I sold my old 3DS to get the new 3DS XL; My old 3DS has my nintendo network account and I can't put it onto another 3DS system. Is it a way of trying to delete the account and/or being able to put it on the new 3DS without data transfer? I still have my old SD card if needed.
    Thread by: CaptainMIG, Mar 5, 2015, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  7. CaptainMIG
    why don't they accept the new 3ds to be register?
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Mar 5, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  8. CaptainMIG


    all the new 3ds xl were sold out meaning I don't have one because life.
    Thread by: CaptainMIG, Feb 16, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. CaptainMIG
    a year later natsu learn how to use rasengan and three of the haki's
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Jan 21, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. CaptainMIG
    2015; the year when game developers make games, including this, that will make all the gamers in the world broke.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Jan 15, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  11. CaptainMIG
    Yes I do think that Rebecca is the most sexiest person in the arc
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Jan 15, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. CaptainMIG
    confession: I'm too much of a chicken to see and hear the let's plays.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Jan 7, 2015 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. CaptainMIG

    heileen 1-3

    Now one of my top favorite visual novel. The story and the endings were cool (even though I pick one ending out of all of them. Heileen x Marie)
    Thread by: CaptainMIG, Jan 7, 2015, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. CaptainMIG

    Sony, you are one son of a *****.
    Thread by: CaptainMIG, Dec 12, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. CaptainMIG
    so this might be a hint that one piece super grand battle x might be in america
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Dec 12, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  16. CaptainMIG
    i might get mortal kombat x but i don't know if i should buy it on xbox one or steam. i also might get pirate warrior 3.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Dec 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. CaptainMIG
    so i beat the elite champ and the ending is pretty much like x and y where you have to fight some one at the end , which is may. if anyone care, you cannot gain experience when fighting her.

    there are too many references to the past pokemon games. you find people that said that they move from regions like kanto or kalos. i don't think it's annoying but it seem stupid.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Nov 25, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. CaptainMIG
    i'll participate. i just need to get used to the wii u version.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. CaptainMIG
    it's kinda lame that you have to get your 5th gym badge to start mega evolving
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. CaptainMIG
    it will take to episode 10000 for ash turning 11.

    but i'm a pokeshipper. there were huge hints that ash and misty will be lovers. at least ash is getting some ass, unless he screw things up.
    Post by: CaptainMIG, Nov 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone