Naruto: no one can beat this guy i beat this guy jk that was a clone enemy is befriended Fairy Tale: enemy is stronger than guild nakama speech two punches a god fan service (everywhere!!!!) Soul Eater: soul soul fan service more souls soul
source: gamnesia the weapon triangle change; swords and magic > axes and bows > lances and concealed weapons new classes: maid, butler, shinobi weapon uses are unlimited now
it's weird that this came out after i just beat the game.
just look at the boobs. you are on my kill list if I ever have one.
I'm saying that Elsa ate something that cause her to have winter powers (also just google one piece and you'll know a lot about it) at least see the trailer when it comes out before you make an decision but yea it might be crap that's not gonna happen till 2020
build a trap for the gorillas and hide to find anything useful to stop a horde
I might watch it if the trailer is decent. I hoping to see more people that have supernatural powers or at least see a flash back of how Elsa got her powers in the first place (my guess is the one piece theory)
this is my new 3ds friend code: 4742-8047-1618
i don't get heart attacks, but my heart will slow down at first; then it will beat faster when i fight a final boss or online people.
i hate american government. that class is nothing but discussion; i always fell asleep in there.
the name of this manga please
what i want to know is are we going to have the normal-hard-lunatic settings from awakening? as for the games themselve, it will be a 70% of people buying both the games because nintendo goal is to make people wanna buy two of the same thing (ORAS). i might actually buy the two versions if i had some more money, but i would mostly pick nohr over hoshido.
Spoiler: one piece 783 gear 4th has been confirmed and everyone will see luffy ultimate power in 2 more weeks. i am so hype right now i have become bartholomeo.
I found the box art of what they look like I like it; they have a nice feel to them
i can tell the ballot will be fill with bad characters that people would only like to be on smash bros. i don't know what to think about super meat boy.
luffy been on video games before; just let me live in this fantasy please?
already voted on lyn unless you can do unlimited votes on the same computer. anyway sora will have a lot of move sets to choose from, so it will be difficult to understand his attacks if they even consider putting sora on a smash brother game.
i heard it was coming on April 9; did they change the date? also now we can make character suggestion to nintendo? oh yea, Luffy cruising the battles.
so fire emblem is getting a little spicy with its story. i wish i could get the game before 2016.