thanks nao i will have 2
can i have 1 please with my name on it.
the joker roxz' why so serious....... Teacher
dont say that. i go torture after watching the dark knight movie that means why so serious is a torture thing you take a knife and cut though their cheeks and they have a smile 0n their face always if you havent seen that. its from that movie so dont give me ideas well you were at camp and i knew you werents on the computer at the time
i wantz to go back to school to torture persons
well i got bored phoenix is offline so i cant be mean and i just had to delete 99% of my pm box
sorry its not my fault. i bought a solid aluminum panic room. Whereput a potato in there and i have dinner. depends on how hot my panicroom in the over is
agreed DAN! LORD OF ALL THAT IS D!!!!!
*runs to panic room!* "MOMMA MOMMA HELP ME :P"
im bein nice but after that pm i just sent u polka i dont want you to see me because you can see my smiley minions
it is so worth it. the joker is ****** awsome WHY SO SERIOUS?
avvy: i give it a 7 Sig: i give it a 5
I loveed it. " Im like a dog chasing after a car, when i get it i dont know what to do." i saw it today at the 10:00 airing
larxel changed her name its nao lulus moogle
well i will make you a premium member if you get 100 points with over 1000 posts.
oh i thought you were mad at me for down reppin dan. is alright i call u dan @ on mirrors edge. wellwe dont know you down repped phoenix now
awwww............. i didnt know who he was. but phoenix wait until fox is on and we can talk. im so sorry. SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey ill get another family member to up rep you im sorry.
okay thanks. im so sorry.