Hello :)
That is awesome! I played a bit of assassins creed 1 and 2. Its awesome :D By the way, how was your birthday? :)
I am doing wonderful :D I got 2 days off from school lol. So I get to start the week on Wednesday. Not a bad way to start the week XD How are you? :)
Even more luck! we are both on at the same time! :D And IKR? lol So, how are you?
Its more or less over in my area lol. Hows Thursday sound? I get home around 4pm my time :)
It passed me without causing any damage. My little corner of the town is the only part with power XD We didn't lose power once lol. So long as it...
OMGSAME Its like... A coincidence >.>
As it stands thousands are without power, parts of New York are under water, parts of Jersey are evacuating. I still have power by some means lol....
Indeed I am. Its just about finished tearing through New York and is currently releasing all hell on the Jersey shore line.
Your not in the path of Sandy, are you? Just double checking.
In the path of hurricane Sandy
Maybe Tuesday. We have a hurricane coming our way. Most of it being on Monday so there is a good chance we will lose power. So, provided I have...
Thank you from the rest of us as well :)
lol. I really appreciate the English sub titles XD. So far it seems really good :) My only question is why is Areon so angry about the death of...
We are using Unity. Its a fairly simple engine and allows for producing on several platforms :)
Current standing logo, may be subject to change Info Game info Story Gameplay OST Concept Art Want to follow us? Staff Alrighty, myself a team of people you may or may not know have decided to come together and make a video game. The main members of the team are myself, the one who started us off, Rienzel, the second in command, and Sora's Apprentice, the third in command. I started this project some time shortly before the summer of 2012 (I say the year because I don't know how long this project will take). I wanted to make a video game just for the fun of it. Then my friends found out and we all joined in. We came to the agreed decision that we would start a company. Our company is known as Splitsoul Games. However, we recently had a major revision to the game. We hold meetings on Skype to discuss the general progress of the game, to brainstorm, and to share general ideas. Because we started back in the summer of 2012 and scratched most of what we had, a deadline is still undecided. One does not exist as of yet. We all have school to deal with and daily lives. So, hopefully we can get a majority of the work done this summer, the summer of 2013. This thread will be updated by myself and other members of the game staff as necessary. Originally our game was going to be a spin off of the kingdom hearts series. However, we have come to the decision to redo the game entirely. We are creating an original game with an original story line and characters. The game is now called Storm of Fate. The story takes place centuries in the past. Its a general fight between good and evil. It is inspired by the kingdom hearts series. To maintain originality kingdom hearts wont be in there, no organization, etc. Some elements will be somewhat recognizable, but the story will go much different places than Kingdom hearts with much a much different series of events. More will be posted as we progress. In the world of SoF, when a human dies, their soul ascends to the air in the form of a wisp and travels into a large metallic object called the gate of souls (original, i know). The gate itself is made of the collective souls of the dead, as is the dimension beyond it. On the gate is an inscription in a language no one recognizes, yet can be read by all. Essentially saying that whoever opens the gate will become the master of souls, gaining the collective strength, energy, and skill of billions of people. Naturally people would want this for themselves. But there are also a surprising number of pure hearted people who want to preserve the gate, letting the dead rest in peace. Not only that, prevent the destruction someone drunk with such power would cause. The greedy realised the couldn't overcome those protectors by acting alone, so most, if not all of them joined together and became rather organized. In response, so did the protectors, eventually forming monarchies. And so the war began. The greedy malice filled people who wanted the power for themselves, dubbed the dark for the blackness of their souls, against the pure hearted protectors of the gate, dubbed the light by opposition. The main character of the story is a teenage boy (original, i know) Named Terak. He lives in a small town near the border of the two territories. He's the son of the mayor, a hardened war veteran named Ignis. He lives a generally peaceful life for the most part, but everything changed when the fire nation dark attacked, to expand their territory. Most of the villagers were either killed or captured, his father being no exception. Terak manages to get out of the town alive and without too much injury, but realizes he doesn't know where to go. Eventually he collapses, and is found by someone. That's all the story which will be revealed right now :p Leveling, Summons, and Class system. Each enemy defeated will give a certain amount of exp, as per normal. In the menu will be an option to go to the leveling screen. Once there, You can select from characters in your party and several brackets will be shown. One for each class. Classes are as followed. Warrior: Well rounded fighter. Moderate in nearly every stat. Mage: Focuses mainly on magic. The main healers of the party. Berserker: Abandon all else (Defense, health, attack speed, etc.) for maximum strength. Some abilities may even drain other stats for temporary boosts in physical power. Guardian: Has the highest Defense and Health of any class. Focuses on drawing fire away from other party members. Thief: high attack speed, And ability to loot better items and steal from enemies during combat. Summoner: Low overall stats, but can summon creatures of incredible power. Under each class will be a series of upgrades. Passive abilities (which are always active unless switched off) and action abilities (can be used during combat), each costing a certain amount of exp. Purchasing one ability will unlock the next in the skill tree of that particular class. Below these will be upgrades for the stats associated with the class it's under. These can be purchased an infinite amount of times (up to the level cap). Each time you purchase something, the character's level will increase by one. (level cap is currently planned for 99. It may or may not change) You can switch to a different class and purchase abilities or stats there, but it's set that hitting the level cap is equivalent to maxing out one class (with stat upgrades). The summoner class will differ from the others for various reasons. For one, it's major stat will be "Summon power". Something unique to the class. It dictates how long a summon will stay, and how powerful it'll be while summoned. with far less action abilities than other classes, they're replaced with various summons and upgraded forms of them. The "Ultimate summon" Has already been decided. It's a bit of an inside joke between me and Adam, but I'll let you discover it when you play the game. When called, a summon will replace the party, and be controlled by the character. Each summon will have it's own set of action abilities, and will go out with a bang by using it's finisher just before it leaves. More on our Youtube Coming soon! You little stalker >.> Imeanwhat? Right. As mentioned we all reside on skype and hold meetings. However, for convenience you can check out our link-> Youtube channel and monitor progress. Alternatively, you can just look up Splitsoul Games. Also, want to contact us? Message us on youtube, or drop us an email at splitsoulgames@gmail.com Adamboy7: Head of Splitsoul Games, graphic design, 3D technition, and general computer tech. Rienzel: Second in command, Scripting, head of story and voice acting Sora's Apprentice: Third in command, Co story, concept art, beta tester, voice actor Star Seeker3: Concept Artist, beta tester Terra254: N/A Dr_Wigglz: Scripting, voice actor cloud<3: Scripting bluekingboy: Voice Actor Arch: Composer Nate combs: Composer, voice actor Heroic Roxas: Voice actor
Oh, and Sora's apprentice says happy Friday. He would say happy birthday but he does not celebrate birthdays lol