What I want to know is if the save files are going to be backwards compatible. I know that the beta version (back when the ps2 version was still in translation and had a debugging menu) Here was actually able to open my save files from the complete version. The save system didn't change at all. In theory, if the save type still works on the ps3 version, I can take my save files from my ps2, my emulator, anywhere and just move them over. That would be awesome. If I wanted to I could use my code breaker on the ps2 and move the hacked save file to ps3. But then again, starting over wouldn't be so bad.
lol Sorry, i was briefly afk lol. I will be on skype momentarily :) And I watched the Japanese version on hulu. Yourself?
I may have to check it out. Where did you see it? Somewhere online? Also hey, your on :) How are you?
I dunno to be honest. I just don't come on as much I guess :p That, and school and stuff. I am usually stuck at school untill around 5 XD I only...
They normally come in small chocolate cup like things raped in paper. Usually 2 in a package, looks like this:...
Ah, liquorice. I personally am not that large a fan of it lol. But yea, we have that here :) The heart was a chocolate shell with a peanut butter...
That is unfortunate :( You guys alright?
A large chocolate heart, about the size of my hand lol. It was a Reeses heart lol. I love Reeses candy, just about anything with peanut butter...
lol Yea, same. I don't have a special somebody. The only one I have would be my computer XD I did get candy lol. From my parents, but it was good...
Oh, the usual. I spent it alone blasting Eleanor Rigby XD Sadly I am still single. My only companion being my computer *cries in corner* T.T XD...
I am well. Same old same old. School, video games games, so on lol. How was your Valentines day?
Hey, how was your Valentines day? :)
Yay! Another Death Note fan :D Too bad the series couldn't be longer though :P How are you?
I've a bit of a question for you. I have kh1fm and kh2fm burned onto discs (with the ESR patch so I do not need swap magic). If I were to look...
Sounds like it. Glad to hear your better :) Not much eventful things happened over either for me. Except I was grounded for a majority of...
How was your Christmas and New Years? I never got the chance to wish you either lol.
lol. A trap indeed. The cookies are a lie. I have been alright. I seem to be missing a cirtain zest to life as of late. I dunno, maybe I have...
You know, I have not been very active lately. Nobody seems to miss me :P Bummer. Perhaps they have all gone to mediaflare XD Its been awhile,...
Oh my. I feel kind of bad for not seeing this earlier, but I do appreaciate it lol. Thank you for the birthday message :)...
Oh my. I cant believe I didn't see this earlier XD Thank you all! /notlateatall (I feel like an ass now XD)