all of the above, at times, but mostly individuals
erg, my poor wording strikes again. I should said something more along the lines of "a likable person has an easier time convincing someone their side of a debate is correct" Is wasn't specific enough, and that led to you taking it to a rational extreme, when I was speaking more generally. The issues that can come from from two people holding different contexts in their minds >.>
I activated your trap card you're so clever Except, you know, this was never about who judges what, but the ability to convince people. you turned two functionally similar competition for no particular reason and now seem to be under the impression it was some sort of trap. (seriously, what does official authority have to do with the point in the first place?)
case and point
People want things they like to be right, a famous person can literally argue that it's unfair they go to jail for breaking the law and people will agree with them
sure it does, being likable can let you win a debate even when you're wrong
KH2 has some weird invisibility frames, a great example is the first Xemnas fight, the blades get recognized as a hit, and the laser effects appear on Sora but he doesn't flinch or take damage. Also, do you spend your free time watching that same Pete boss fight
New voice sounds very... not Genie. Dan may not sound much like Robin Williams, but it's pretty energetic. Though to be fair, in that video linked it sounds a lot like it was badly directed
but Sora has returned to Destiny Islands already, that kinda ruins the impact
it doesn't take balls to kill someone off when you kill someone with balls, it's pretty much worthless. Only a mature writer can make death worth more to a story than keeping them alive
If a Marvel world makes it in before an Incredibles world...
no, didn't you read the title? They kiss you, then you recoil in horror and pretend to be a fish
they're also now very good stats to give to your babies, but Robin is a pretty solid choice
maybe it was mixed into her baby food and they jsut assumed she was born with them when she exhibited powers at an early age
I'm on the poll
winning a million dollars is better, so I guess that makes your point irrelevant
that's not even kinda the same thing
@. : tale_wind has so many secrets like not being a small baby, but a villainous man
hanging on the edge of tomorrow
how have @Makaze and @Ars Nova not made it yet?