shh, you cleverness is showing you don't want people to find out how WITTY and CLEVER you are
For two weeks, these people will be playing pretty much every Sonic game They've only been going a few hours and they're already in the thousands, but you should consider donating maybe
without Disney Kingdom Hearts would just be a badly written Final Fantasy
Once you start getting Level 4 moves try fusing them with copies of the same move with the same bonus ability, this has a pretty high chance of synthesizing a rare ability On the bosses, they all have pretty distinct strategies and weaknesses, so trying to learn those might also help. If you have Artmeis' Arrows that should make things easier :P Keeping my lips sealed on the Snow thing, I'll just say I don't really like how it's resolved. The common issue I've found with 13-2 and LR reviews is that they come from a place where they already hated the original, and just kinda ignore the fact that they're pretty different. Trophies are pretty easy this time around, none of the ridiculousness like 13's hold every item, just stuff like finding the rarest item, beating the toughest best, and so on I mean, this COULD go to the gaming section, but if it didn't get much attention in the Spam Zone I can't see it doing much better in Gaming
So I've been playing FFX-2HD lately, and there's another thing X-2 shows multiple Shoopufs Yet a major plot point of the audio drama is that the last Shoopuf died and there were no other Shoopufs to reproduce
But she literally spends all of her time doing terrible things to people, or threatening to do it. Like it's explicitly stated she tests her hexes on whoever she marries
Awakening is a good first choice because it was designed with newcomers in mind, but you might get a bit spoiled by how often the game gives you super awesome items compared to earlier games
that's roughly how many hearts Sora has connected to him at this point
...are you a bot
It's a fantastic series, both in gameplay and story
That's not true today it was so hot we had to turn on the air conditioning
They've established there are many different types of Kingdom Hearts. Which is handy because that means they can keep the title after the Xehanort Saga ends
I legitimately don't get what people see in her
blurh I made it slightly prettier
hologram projector
I was expecting annoying orange but with Roxas
I think a key thing people are missing is that they CAN'T make the graphics look like CGI, even if KH3 came out on PC. There's nothing powerful enough for that right now, most PCs chug to render Laura Croft's hair properly, it'd be even worse trying to do that with multiple characters, never mind the huge poly count I also think it's important to remind people that these AREN'T the final graphics. They said in an interview they're starting with these graphics and downgrading them to make it work on PS4/XB1 Anyways, I'm glad the game is just going for an advanced version of the PS2 graphics, I'd rather the characters stay consistent than suddenly look wildly different just in time for the finale
It's funny, I clicked on this topic thinking "well at least they're not making Young Justice GO" but I guess I was wrong
Man, they're going to get pretty awful views though considering non USA-icans can't watch it on the site >.>