So that BASICALLY confirms we're getting some BBS and Re:Coded tracks probably just the title screen for Re:Coded
You basically bought two opposite ends of a spectrum, in terms of Tales games
yeah personally, I prefer difficulty curves over difficulty lines
Digital Atlas laid an egg
there is no difficulty curve
or do stripes have zebras
Just wanted to come in and say I've been playing Sleeping Dogs for the 360 with my friend (likefavesubscribe) and MAN is it a great game, like holy carp.
That remastered music is sounding BLOODY DELICIOUS I mean, that Pirates of the Caribbean! It actually sounds like it's supposed to! Seems like the battle themes have more punch to them than 1.5, too
Yeah, Amaury, you're putting yourself and others in danger with this, please stop
that must have been a pain in the ars to come up with
You know what will cause more suicides? Intolerance of it. The stigmatization of it. People like you make it so difficult for a person to admit they have a problem That's not even kind of a defense
Because it's totally fair to add the weight of the happiness of everyone you know onto the already crushing misery of depression. It's attitudes like this that push people further over the edge, the idea that people don't need support, that they should instead hold themselves in place by the potential GUILT of any sadness they might cause Stop, stop STOP This is a ****ING HUMAN BEING WHO HAS DIED Stop digging this hole
Medication is not a magic catch all for depression, there is no guaranteed treatment, or anything like that, and blaming someone for not trying hard enough to avoid committing suicide is, again, disgusting
I thought that was cleared up, he returned in the third Aladin movie, after all, right? You can't just ****ing magically cure depression, shut the **** up
Ignoring the fact that they announced a new voice for Genie weeks ago this is disgustingly distasteful
Oh right, another thing, aren't there about 7 hours of prerendered HD cutscenes in KH1.5? How would that even fit on an Xbox disk
the fact that people are still angry over that annoys me Like there are legitimately people who argue they'd rather not have the game at all than it be on a Nintendo console, and people who are pissed that the original is coming to Wii U because Wii U owners only deserve the "****** Wii U version"
I think a key difference is that KH1.5 has no precedent to be on an xbox console, while Tomb Raider was multiconsole and this is a direct sequel, so it's a bit silly to be MAD that 1.5 isn't on Xbox, but there's nothing wrong with wanting it
I don't like stretched images :|