Why are people acting like there's no order here the top row is all Mario characters, except Game and Watch who is a stand alone character. Then Donkey Kong, then Zelda, then Metroid, then Kid Icarus, then Fire Emblem, then Kirby, then Little MAc, then Star Fox, then Pokemon, then NES Peripheral based characters, then all the odds and ends, then all three clone characters, then the third parties (and second party, in the case of Shulk) It's REALLY organized
They still are, it's just a vertical column now and I mean there was video proof and Nintendo took it down so it sound pretty real to me (image in case people decide I don't have enough proof I guess?)
the only characters not organized by series are the three clones, who are all bunched together and considering this Smash has drastically altered the modes of Smash I don't see why All Star couldn't be unlocked in a different way
I'm not buying it separately, screw that
you know what I want? that scarf but NO Europe only
yeah, leaks all but confirmed, so here's our final roster
Hyrule Warriors is gonna be the best
the secret is in the stripes I think I figured it out. I neglected to trigger the ctscene with Rikku on the Celsius after getting 95%. I was so excited about finally beating the Via Purifico I ran straight to the final boss. I'm rebeating the game right now, I'll try getting the song right this time too, and getting the Megido Flame Garment Grid
WAIT the song counts for percent?! I missed that! There's hope!
I did those I picked correctly I had more percent sometimes too, but I was following a specifically HD Remaster guide I beat the inferior Machina first, too. I wonder why you got the secret ending but I didn't...? Beat Trema watched Commspheares comprehensively (I even watched the ones they said had nothing important, just in case)
I just completed my Final Fantasy X-2 100% run is what I would be saying except I got 99% there's a completely unaccounted percent. I looked up a guide, I'm supposed to have exactly 95% before entering the final dungeon and I did and yet 99% :|
You know who else is an automatic badass, has his own harem, and rides motorcycles? Shadow the Hedgehog
-assuming they acknowledge the complaint at all
I think that ending was almost too real Also, the way the super benders die, damn that's brutal
Yeah, people keep making the "cops are only human" aargument to me about this, but honestly? if you're a cop, I expect you to be BETTER than the average person, you've been given a lot of power, and you shouldn't be ready and willing to throw said power around Nobody is using the "only human" argument for the rioters or the kid who got shot, either whole thing is honestly overwhelming to me, I can only handle is for a short whole before I start shaking
corn is ears
it's pretty much exactly this. Donald and Goofy are the most fleshed out party members, so world specific party member are incentivised through other handy or rare abilities, like Lucky Lucky
cod games have three year development cycles now, the quality was bound to rise
I think you can only explore a character in a new way after the old way is well and truly established, and Superman really isn't. As iconic as he is, I know a lot more people who can recite Batman's back story over Superman's, and I've met plenty of people who don't even know Superman is from another planet, never mind his more complicated lore. You need to establish a status quo before you subvert it, doing it the way it was done in Man of Steel leads to something more along the lines of "Wait, so is this just how Superman is in this iteration? Or wait, was it always like this?" and general confusion. Because there's no established tone for it to subvert