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  1. A Zebra
    @Ars Nova is more ham than man
    he's literally edible
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: 2014
  2. A Zebra
    for the record, the best condidate is mustard
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. A Zebra
    All names I don't know
    Misty wins
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: 2014
  4. A Zebra
    Actually I haven't. I'm up to the final boss, but I've been grinding supports because I love that you can get all the supports in the world in this game
    and that's what I miss with my second playthrough. Using my knowledge from my previous playthrough I'm making much more efficient decisions with my characters, particularly in terms of relationships. And then like a female unit dies and I'm all like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu that could have made a baby!
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. A Zebra
    I mean, @Misty is the one with the fan site
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: 2014
  6. A Zebra
    Because you have fully coherent arguments?
    And you're not a total sap like Makaze
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: 2014
  7. A Zebra
    I've been doing that with my second playthrough, but it's agonizing, knowing all those juicy plot bits I lose when someone dies :|
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. A Zebra
    1. I'm surprised how low your post count is because unless my memory is lying to me I see your post more in the KH sections
    2. They're the Jedi of the sea

    1. I've been waiting a long time to make a pun based on your name
    2. Way too elaborate
    3. Hatok
    I could barely hear Goofy, so again, Donald. Though I mean, goign by the way you worded the question, Pete really is a more worthy condidate

    o1. Your name reminds me of a saxophone
    o2. Looks like anime Oprah Gangster
    o3. uh... I mean, for a million bucks? sure why not, provided there are no other strings attached. That's a lot of money, after all
    o4. Well that falls under strings attached, but I'd just use a loophole and bang him without touching him
    o5. Something Asian, since stuff liie Mandarin are super common to hear where I live
    o6. No
    Er... is that meant to be on KHv, or jsut in general? I'll answer both to be safe
    Of anyone, Bill Waterson, he had great ideas and never sold out
    Of KHv? Probably @Misty or @Ars Nova . Nova I just have more experience with and he's a pretty cool guy, but I respect the work it takes to run a website like Misty does
    All right, good to go
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. A Zebra
    Coming as a person who does reset, I simply view it as a game over. Like if Chrom dies, but applied to every mission. It raises stakes significantly and ultimately made me a better player who makes less mistakes and thinks ahead
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. A Zebra
    @Mako 's mind is an enigma
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 21, 2014 in forum: 2014
  11. A Zebra
    But you're not playing chess, you'r playing a video game, with story and stuff. The only goal isn't to make an optimal team and win, there's more to it
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. A Zebra
    Yeah, I raised him up and he cleans up but... his kid
    dear god
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. A Zebra
    Donnel himself isn't that great. Like, definitely not terrible, but his son or daughter? Insanity. ESPECIALLY if you marry Donnel and the Avatar. Every class, great stat potential AND +20% stat growth chance
    Post by: A Zebra, Jul 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone