Me: *lets the beam isappear as i teleport behind you ax kicking your side*
Me: *keeps charging sending your beam back*
me: *smiles* wolves are great in packs *my beam clashes into yours* now its power of will... *charges up adding to it*...
Me: *tears start fallin fgrom my eyes* p-please just let them go....I just want some peace even if its for a few...please just let them go.....
me: *gets back up brushing myself off* you got it boss. WOLF ENIGMA *fires a beam that flows out like an enitire wolf pack rushing you at once*
Me: LET MY WIFE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *every blow gets even harder shattering the gound beneathe her for every hit i make*
Me: *gets really angry* No...YOU DIE NOW *has my right eye keep the new lineage eye while the left one turns back into the DSE quadrupling my...
Me: we've made our hit windy, theres no need to kill her, the battles over
Me: the toughest guy you'll see for awhile *reverse ax kicks following up with a hard elbow to the face*
Me: *teleports between windy and ashley* oh no I'm now ~,^ *trys for a hard sucker punch to her stomache*
me: *see's ashley vanishes a reappear on windys 6* Windy wach your 6!
Me: *charges up firing a pulse wave into windys blood beam making it go even faster cracking the ground underneath as its being fired*
Me: ashleys up north at 2' o clock and shes charging up a, have a plan at all, cause if not i say we come in from both sides and see...
me: *takes the hit hard falling into the gound*
me: *the entire chunck of ice cracks and gets obliterated as the reall me is behind you* almost had me *grabs a holt of your waist suplex...
me: *gets covered in ice completely unable to move*
Me: *flas seps out of the way but gets burnt some on my left arms as i jet back down hitting you hard in the gut making you hit the ground even...
me: *pulses up from the floor hittin gyou hard in the stomach doing a font flip after making contact with your stomache grabbing your wings...
Me: *trys to activate my DSE but acivates a new type of eye* whoa....I can see everything clearly through the mist...
me: *plants my arms down on the ground psuhing up flinging you up into the air*