Me: *ducks down rubbing mayonaise on my sammich* what? i thought that was pretty good, she was mean to me first and you know you enjoyed that day...
Me: *gets up and goes into the kitchen making me a sammich feeling like a champion*
Me: I'll just stay down stairs in the living room, I dont need my jewels nailed at again...oh btw rosey um I forgot to tell you, me and windy had...
Me: *eats the attack dashing right through it to cr* Wolfs Bane!!! *slashes down at your neck with my aura in the shape of a sword*
Me: *outside on the ground but my jewels completely safe* im so glad i keep a steel plated cup on at all times T^T
Me: *charges up some waiting for the attack*
me: *smiles* only by the skin of my fangs... so what else do you have to show me?
me: *the flame markings on my arm surround my body barely protecing it as your atack fades away*
Me: *6-inch punches the crystal til it finally cracks breaking free jumping out of the tub running out of her bathroom to seeing rosey, windy, and...
Me: *takes the attack head on hoping to survive it*
me: hmmm, didnt know that, it kinda just came to me ^^"
Me: MEGA FLARE!! *flame markings appear on my arms as i shoot a flame beam right at all of the shards, melting them on the spot*
Me: *dodges each shard with ease* hah, easy peasy lemon squeezy!!!
Me: *can hear the screaming and trys to break free but sill cant *
me: *laughs* thats why i did it! *pulse up from the ground* Thunder Clap!!!!!!!!! *claps both hands together shaking the entire room shaking you...
Me: *still trapt in the bathtub unable to move because of the small space*
Me: *deflects it right back at you with no problem*
Me: *gets hit with the flame but slide under your tail kicking you up into the air, firing off beams again*
me: *In a healing crystal trapt in windys bathtub*