me: *has an even deeper hazy look in my eyes* Dracon: im gonna go let charisa know what happened
Dracon: I'm not sure i've been in my room for awhile
Dracon: *heads back over attending to the wounds on both of us til the help arrives* Me: *the wound slowly heals some*
me: *bleeding out more* Dracon: *walks into the training room seeing both of us passed out and me bleeding then runs over to the wall COM*...
Me: *gets hit hard it slashing deep into my shoulder blade all of my other clones now gone* M-man.... *tons of blood begins to seep out as my eyes...
Me: *dodges again as another 3 of my clones are taken out*
me: *takes out one of the clones so my 11 other can fight your clones* geez this isnt looking good...*dodges his slash 3 of my clones being taken...
Me: well lets see if this move i created can handle your attack *the wolf clones lock into combat with the dragon clones*
Me: *slams the ground hard with my hand* Wolf style: Wolf pack!!!! *11 clones join me all in the shape of huge wolves holding great swords in...
me: *takes the hit grabbing your tail slamming you into the ground the pulse kicking you even deeper*
Me: *takes the hand the fire was in and forces it up into the air kicking hard at your side*
Me: WOLF FLARE BLAST!!!!! *shoots out the beam clashing with the ice making the room all steamy*
me: *feels the sudden chillin the air* i like where this is going *begins charging up another beam*
me: n-no no no no its okay ^^" *shakes off the rest of the rest dust* bring it on i still got lots of fight left in me *charges up doing an aura...
me:*brushes off the debris* must be nice to have relatives that can teach you things....
me: *lands down on the ground* y-you've became alot stronger since the last time we fought
Me: *takes all of the orbs flying off hitting the wall hard several cuts left all over my body from the debris*
me: heh, well i dont see why i couldnt *does a back flips final kicking your left wing hard*
Me: *still standing there a tad bit burnt with sammich ingredients all over my body tomatoes covering my eyes where i cant see anything* this isnt...
Me: well it twas fun while it lasted *puts down the sammich* nice to meet you ashley!! *stands there and waits for my demise*