Dracon: *arrives in the infirmary* hey gramps how are the boys doing?
Me: *takes out my wallet and sticks it out* p-please dont hurt me!!! just take it!
Dracon: then lets *starts heading back to the infirmary*
Dracon: I guess we should head back and check on the boys
Dracon: so any ideas?
Me: *jolts back up awake seeing three girls around me then jumps off of the table hiding behind some furniture* W-who are you people?!?
Dracon: *shakes his head* sorry i asked that, my thinkings kinda fuzzy
Dracon: should we confront him?
Dracon; this is definitely strange
Dracon; wait you mean from that map you showed up earlier today? o.=.o
Dracon: sweetie i dont think there's a lab here
Dracon: *runs up behind her* whats gone?
Dracon: *runs out following behind her*
Dracon: *yells* where are you going?!
me: *passes back out from the pain as my body suddenly makes the wound combust cauderizing the wound shut on its own*
Dracon: none of its here, all the records are gone...
Dracon: *gets to the library going straight for the records* hey..wait where'd they go?
Me: *the bullet falls out of the open wound and implodes on itself leaving no traces as i jolt up coughing out alot of blood* w-windy... *falls...
Dracon: well if it is then we'll have to confront kohaku with it *is almost at the library now*
Dracon: *follows behind* we'll check mission records, and then check a few other things on people we've went after see if we can find any clues