Dracon: well kohaku was the last one in here..so put 2 and 2 together
Dracon: do you think...nooo...could he?
Dracon: i know they sustained heavy injuries but they shouldnt have been out for this long
Dracon: *continues checking over me* well he's breathing
Dracon: yeah we probably should *gets up and checks over my body*
Me: oh hi, nice to meet you ashley. um to tell you alittle bit about myself. I like muscle cars, I love videogames, ooo I love swords their pretty...
Me: M-my name is Joseph, but people call me Joe for short *raises my head up looking at her smiling happy that shes going to introduce me*
Me: I-I don't know....I didnt mean to make her cry I swear, If I knew her name I'd go apologize but it looks like i've already caused enough...
Dracon: yeah thats true Me: *seems to be in a comatose state*
Dracon: Im not sure...
Me: *looks over at the girl sitting next to me* a-are you going to kill me.....
Dracon: alright *takes a seat next to the beds*
Dracon: *throws up his claws* okay okay calm your scales, im sure we'll figure something out.. why dont you take a break we'll look after the boys
Dracon:we've been doing that for so long though..
Dracon: well gramps is there anything we can do, i mean it is getting kinda boring..
Dracon: weren't we in war time though I thought that we'd constantly have missions
Dracon: no not really, hey gramps we havent had a mission in a while, why has that been?
Dracon: we just took a walk to the library looked at a couple books, then decided to come back
Dracon: thats good
Me: *curls up against the wall cowering for my life* p-please dont hurt me... *scared out of my mind*