me: *makes all my aura go into my hands grabbing the beam sling-shoting it around me and back at ashley*
me: *moves right in after windys attack coming in from the bottom ax kicking her into the air*
me: *vanishes teleporting dashing to each of the kunai in the room*
me: *aura bursts out* challenge accepted... *vanishes into the air teleport dashing all around*
me: why'd you save us?
me: *smiles* dont forget cr i used to live in the darkness *throws 4 kunai each one landing in the corner of the room*
Me: well since its so bleak what could i do to appease you?
me: wait wait wait, i refuse to fight, until i get some answers... *bows to ashley* i'd like to thank you for saving us, but can i get some answer...
Me: wait thats ashley!? O,o why are you two fighting her she helped us, didnt she?
me: but my issue went awauy T^Y
me: well i'd thank you with a hug if you'd show yourself C: i still want bacon though T^T
me: *gets into a defensive stance*
Me: wait i heard a persons voice, WHERES THE BACON!!!!!!!!
Me: your facing someone who loves to accept challenges :P
me: hey!! im not that clumsy, cept for when im hungry or tired. Speaking of hungry, is there any bacon in this place?
me: *rolls eyes* im just gonna head on out now ^^" *the "little" issues has now went away as i walk forward trying to see if there are any...
me: *smiles* why not we havent sparred in awhile
me: you take lead *leaves the jacket open so i can tease windy some*
me: *puts the jacket on* oh... (im heading on out to get my kingdom hearts game so i'll either be back on later or tomorrow laterzzz :P)
Me: *looks at the jacket* b-but i has pants why do i need a jacket? O,O