Kim- You have to remember things like this happens a lot we aren't back home. Besides this gives us that much more time together even if it is in...
Windy- N-No clue as to what you were talking about I'm a Vampire I have no heart beat >:3
Kim- Awww this is going to take forever sorry about this C-CR >,<*Line hasn't moved up because of credit card issues.*
Windy- JOE NO DON'T LEAVE!!!! NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Jolts up fully looking around and sees your body holding onto it tightly.* No Joe you can't do this to me please please wake up Joe... JOE!!!!!!
Kim-*Changes back into her regular clothes and heads out.* CR I'm done I'll buy these two ^=^*Heads over to the counter to wait in line.* This...
Rosey-*Slows down a lot once she reaches the gates for the parking to get into the festival paying for each of their tickets and slowly enters the...
Kim-*Stops blanking out and tries it on and just frozen stiff.* D-did I put this on right DX...
Rosey- *Pulling up to the main road speeding down the stretch that leads to the festival.* Ashley-*Can see the beautiful lights, smell that lovely...
Thank you very much same to you as well
And to Oda I am getting annoyed with how you try to react Striving to be insightful while throwing out clear personal attacks is whack Best believe I'm here saying what I want not asking to take anything back Then he has the audacity to say going at someone is trivial Yet that same post he threw out some clear subliminals You can do what you want with your outside life just stop trying to make others criminals Stick with what you do best and be a good teacher my guy That or get hit with some iron during a drive by Wait... Naw forget it this is all off the top not taken time to write and try To make sense of everything Your sound is sober and not the way it used to be If you grew up then that attitude is why I will make personal attacks more frequently Again for the love of this art we call poetry No hard feelings... Just posting what I'm feeling Or as you say (Just write the way you feel happy) Don't forget that's what you stated clearly the other day Wasted little effort to do this when I could have said stuff to make people wanna stay Damn Yea... Yea... Yea yea yea Do what you like Rhyme don't fight Look up and see that bright Light and post what you feel to be right Then become sicker pulling a huge stunt on site Be scared of the darkness don't bring out that night Think of this as your test to see if you have a good amount of light e,t,t,t,e,t,t Are how those lines ended alright
So it seems I just got home from college WOOT
Mindstorm must not get I can keep going so no more regrets You say I messed up the combo and you're right so time send out some threats How is it your way can show how other people think? You must not see a problem with that statement like a drunk ***** That was a harsh line, but imagine I bought the sea of disses to the very brink I have no intention of letting off and beg to forgive what I put down Keep up this rhyme combo and be enticed by the different styles from all around
Rosey- I didn't show you anything you made the choose to come along so you saw what you saw no one said you had to join. Ashley- Besides I hear...
Holy smokes Talking in stanza format to explain something goes against your post entirely I just had to point that out. This isn't the first time you've done that either For those who took this the wrong way I'm not directing it towards anyone who has posted in this thread. I poke fun at times, but none of this is a lash out, or blunt attack towards anyone. I saw people get serious so I did my thing when I take it seriously. It differs from everyone by a long shot, but its just how I write so forgive me if you feel its a personal attack when it isn't.
I know I've been gone for a bit just don't get too excited No need to react in riots, stay quiet, how can you even understand the true meaning of lyricism if you don't abide by it Oda and I have made a short return so if you think this died you must be those people who bicker back and forth like it was written on a script I need for you all to hold onto your seat for this is only for those who have the wits about them to stay true and legit Didn't miss me oh well cause I came back to annihilate, unleash more hate, disturb the fakes, and alter time like Steins Gate You bar deprived fiends no longer have to anticipate For what is about to be said will surely bring out some ingrate Assuming they have what it takes so forget the time and date If they made it through their entire race, sex, and heart rate change which is great because I didn't have to take action and sedate Now I have to look and listen to this idiotic squabble I mean that both you babies need to take five and suck on a nozzle Forget the bottle the lame rhyme scheme is why I don't tolerate those who never go full throttle I'm killing you clown poets using nursery rhymes The moment I hearse your verse nothing can be done even if you time were to rewind So how is it that you're considered more skilled if you don't even write to intertwine the minds of diabolic fiends to those trying to live wealthy and divine Do you want the flow or the metaphors? The simile or the word play many seem to adore I'll never hit the canvas what do you think painters are for? Just mixing different types of artists because the public deserves more What qualities do you have that someone coming up hasn't already showcased before? I'm asking to do collaborations because you aren't qualified to be in the same league as me So tell me again who's the best in poetry? This site is biased so that's the only reason why you won you see If you think about it not that many people visit Home of the Poets be Now I have to listen to stay safe in this community No matter what is said about you being a gifted speaker You haven't done anything to those who want to learn from you teacher It goes along the lines of practice what you preach sir You haven't even spoken yet so how am I supposed to be moved by your words Get taken down with ease if you're getting offended If you think its for attention when he posts I'll just say don't mention it This flow has to come with some sort of order when serving up these lame gimmicks When I go at you steer clear of trying to establish dominance because you'll never win it Just showing how much more I'm developed in this poetic establishment I won't say its in my blood like another clone no mimic You can only say this dude is authentic such an antique can't be distinguish If you assume I come from a rare lineage I'll laugh since I'm starting this, but that'll cause some arguments In a lame mans terms to get to have the right to participate you must first sign up before giving this a try I'm not playing ground ball I use my words to blitz from the sky Try you're best not to think celestial for I'm eons beyond that level so chill on the coast before shooting your dreams too high You can't reach that Skyline unless you make it up there or fly Don't think of rocketing to the top I'm a shooting star kinda guy You could say that I'm being flamboyant, but look at the lack of skills within, poor penmanship, dropping more jaws is my sentiment, without getting a raise in dividends, bored with these scriptures written, so get torn ligaments with this lyrical clip in full increments, yes it's insolent, I came a long way now feel I'm an eminent citizen with the few I feel I share the same adroitness with no matter if they're masculine or feminine, slaughter you whack chumps and get away with murder like George Zimmerman the moment I sense a hint of hindrance There's not a damn thing you can say about it This is a competitive art, but so many of you are so sensitive which is such a trip I may not be a plane pilot, but I can change your climate Crack your skull and snatch your brains out trick Redirect and decorate some of paths the nerves take and call it embroidery synapsis Homie you're not hard I'll body your hot bars Wanna cop a hook I'll Rodeny King it so you can't get that far If you think I'm messing around I can easily leave your ass FUBAR Can't hold back anymore, but you all need a vent and I can fix cars Test me if you are prepared to see where your skills are Forget warning if you want I can kill and break down all you be Get the staff I'll just get off free using the insanity plea If you are called the best you aren't receiving an amnesty from me Show me you earned that title and post in the home of poetry
Rosey-*Slows down even more only doing 75mph.* Sorry about that Joe that was a bit much, but we're safe now. And look because of that chase we...
Rosey-*Keeps clam slowing down a bit only doing 180mph.* Ok we lost them and be at our detestation very soon so you all ready? Windy-*Not saying a...
Kim-*Tries this one on looking at herself in the mirror kinda liking what she sees.*...
Yo yo it has been a while good sir how's it going man >:D
Windy- Hav- Ashley-*Stops Windy from talking.* Leave it be Windy never mind that let him see this. Windy- J-Joe...*Holding back her tears and just...