You doing ok over there? Hope you are
Thank you and I have been its great
It does a lot no fun to have when I just feel like sleeping all the time
Well then D: Sleepy all the time pretty much
Lol I already told you Ms. Marushi
Just working that's all I ever seem to be doing now and about to get back in my anime groove. How have you been?
I see your point that is a bit much and then you have your fan fic on top of that
I see your point, but then again that would be something to say you did. Or you could a new poem each week for a year or something of the sort
Liked it so much I think you should keep it going add to it like a weekly type of poem. New stanza for every week until you have 52
Which wouldn't matter cause that run on sentence was supposed make it seem as if I was gunning to make a point when I really wasn't just like I'm...
Ouch thanks for making me feel like nothing even though it wasn't for me in the first and considering the fact its 2.5 years old the meaning of...
Sneak peak more like insane leak >:c
Really yea my own personal song as long as I don't get sued or anything I'll take it
I get a sneak peak this is freaking sweet yes please do I can't wait to see also ummm... Hehehehe I kinda feel off I think just don't have the...
I'm sorry to say this, but you no longer have a soul to call your own. Not like anyone here has one anymore. Lol stupid kh-v always teasing us by showing us where our soul is and won't give it back. Besides that I do welcome you to kh-v and see that you like writing and rap, so maybe the poetry section may do you some good if you take a quick look see
Good this is good soon your songs will be confused then BAM!!!!!!!!!!! You take control
Aqua all day Her elegance and grace when she used Transcendence, she was my favorite character the begin with, and I actual took my time with her story compared to Ventus and Terra. I died the least with her (maybe in total 3 times which includes the secret bosses think that's where my 2 deaths from the 3 came from.) just really enjoyed Aqua a lot :D
That's good they better have or else >:D As for me need to hit the bed have to wake up early see you
You saw that O.O oh boy hehehehe ^^"
It doesn't have to be just buy me dlc I ask for n,n