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  1. nasirrich
  2. nasirrich
  3. nasirrich
  4. nasirrich
  5. nasirrich
  6. nasirrich
  7. nasirrich
  8. nasirrich
  9. nasirrich
  10. nasirrich
    Profile Post Comment

    Thank you very much :D

    Thank you very much :D
    Profile Post Comment by nasirrich, Jul 20, 2014
  11. nasirrich
  12. nasirrich
  13. nasirrich
  14. nasirrich
    We could Skype or something?
    Profile Post by nasirrich for gintasthebest, Jul 20, 2014
  15. nasirrich
  16. nasirrich
  17. nasirrich
  18. nasirrich
  19. nasirrich
    Guess who's back!! Yo... yo yo.. Aite check me out

    At first I was a bit hesitant
    For the lack of the relevance
    Test me and get shown why I won't ever sit
    Relax I'm not going at anyone so don't get ticked
    I am here to prove that I am worthy of being a candidate
    Don't vote just hope you get the right president
    This evidence is bliss so stick around and try not to miss

    You have time for one last battle to hear them scream encore
    Don't blame me bench warmer because I'm achieving my dream and yours
    Who's fault is it for just sitting around screaming for a raw war
    The time came and you were no where seen on the playing floor
    That's why I said bench warmer man such a bore

    Only fear now is becoming a has been
    This goes out to those who saw Home of the Poets and started laughing
    See how far we got with this craft and the pressure is locked in
    When it bursts your tombstone will say my thoughts of this back then
    Once the rise is steady it'll become more packed and
    Something you thought no one would commit too now has flocks of freed minds stackin

    Their words to be read by those far and close
    Get the gall to say they too can spit something and roast
    Many who claim they have put in what they put out wanting to promote

    The idea that its ok to boast every now and again
    Sadly the effect that has lets you see where your true friends stand when
    You'd like some backing instead of backlash of sorrow and disgust which then

    Causes you to take another bold step and be the enemy of something you want so badly to help out with

    Slow it down for a second to see where this route may take you
    Deep down it hurts when people hate the actions you do

    Know your errors now before you make a trip that doesn't refund those bumpy hits cause the craziness you'll be encumbered with will not let any form of drama be distinguished
    So please everyone come back when you have time to reply to this home of very decent poets
    Post by: nasirrich, Jul 17, 2014 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  20. nasirrich