Thinking on your feet, but then wouldn't that mean they too have the power to erase and create the wall created to just destroy the created wall...
Kim- That was close CR almost saw the things I bought on the side.*Says in her mind and walks to the left running into a mail box and crashes into...
*And the smoke clears* Ashley- So off to get new clothes then? Windy- Gonna need more than that because of this one stupid son of a bio waste...
Unless they break the 4th wall in which case we'd have a serious issue on our hands.
Ashley-*Rubs head taking a few steps to the side till she's no longer visible.* Windy- IDIOT OUR BUDGET CAN'T AFFORD ANY MORE OF THESE SLIP...
Good call that'd be illegal if you did
Kim-*Takes box her clothes and "Extra Things" have been wrapped up in thanking the cashier quickly leaving the store.*
Meaning you are Cat Women O.O I KNOW SOMEONE FAMOUS >:3 #Icansitatthecoolkidtable
Again thank goodness for that happy to hear you kitten is safe from harm
Staff- Was there anything else you wanted? Kim-*Motions for the cashier to get closer.* Staff-*Does as commanded and in hearing what Kim asked...
Yea take all their Money and then all of whatever they own and from there their car??
Don't cause I'll be an accessory to murder :D
Thank god for that glad everything worked out in the end Sorry about these late replies the net here is awful at times
Your cat does that a lot to you what happened this time?
I find it easier to write like that. I used to write with the emotion I'm feeling, and the things said I regret now if I feel a way I keep calm...
Rosey- Its true they really are out of control XD Windy- THAT'S IT YOU DEFOREST BI***!!!! I'M GONNA LAY YOU DOWN COME GET SOME!!! Ashley-*Bows to...
Kim-*Standing right next to you holding onto your arm now.* Staff- Awww you both are a match made in heaven if that's the analogy? Did you find...
I am blown away quiet frankly just never saw that coming at all. Such pure deep emotion wrapped up in something positive and heart warming.
Sweet glad I could be of service
Thank you much Madame Em