Julia? Or you can be my Rouge :3
Namechange tiem nao?
<3 yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
I've mainly been lurking around. Maybe I'll post in there today 8D
good, I think I'm going to make gifs of the dissidia opening if I can find a good enough quality clip of it (:
xDD I don't care for it too much either >: Thanks, Rainbow doesn't look good on most short names and I don't want mine long :'D What you been up...
yes .
iknowrite :'D it has a ring to it.
oh noes D: I am liking it very much :DD
so your sister becomes a lesbian and you decide to tell us?
om.my.god. The ending was so beautiful... *tears up* :'D
lawl. i've already got my echidna avatar too. yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy 8D
::L That's going in my favorites, and I changed my namechange request to knuckles just for you (: * waits for recording * xD
Size: 400 by 125 Render/Stock: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/0/04/DissidiaKefkaArtwork.png Theme/Color: you decide Note: ily ::L:
your username is looking pretty sexy right now ;D How have you been?
wats wrong with that?
besides school, not much. I've been so busy lately with it xDD
o hey :'D
D: I don't get picked on.