God Damn Koda these people do hate you what pecker heads
ohhhh SHII... shes on to us
Weve learned before just how "reliable" information from most gamestop workers is, this isnt true in the least, a remake itself is highly improbable, but and even less probable is one for the DS
pshhh sleep is for normal pawns hmm i need to choose an actual queen huh....lame
ME-King Dude with long name-Super Pawn Darky- Knight Misty- Bishop R- Super Pawn
...nope im the king im judging people on theyre persona, not status haha
good, now go take out some other more powerful player
hmmmmm i can see that
theyre exactly the same as normal pawns....but they have bad ass capes long indeed R
hmmmmmm super pawn?
im highly bored make me less bored pawns
....lol just lol
Things could always be better, but theyre pretty decent as of now. By the way how did you find me?
ummmm should i come back later? when its a better fad
hmm been a long time kid how you doin
been quite some time kidd
been a while anything new thats really "important"
....im gonna laugh so hard at all of you if he really does do it IRL this time haha this is...hmmmmm slightly amusing Lil......no just no knock it off none of its real, were all just bits of data to you, and youre just a joke to us. so try to preserve whatever shed of dignity you have left haha p.s. just you all wait till he goes back to invisible school, with an invisible gun, and shoots and kills invisible people...sorry lame i know
rather depends on your mood on whether or not to let most of us back huh Kay
OWNAGE ive actually met these guys gotta love living in the 3Oh3