Had a feeling it was yes all along to tell the truth you typed in the thread adress? i meant to gain acess onto the sight Z
You do know what web adress you typed to get here correct that is answer enough
....i cant really tell, is that a yes or a no?
is it bad that i kinda wanna hit Mike guys?
i second this
Date rape alarm
youve been to this place long enough you should know that by now cmon keep up dammit
haha my ****** pretend parents have nothing to do with my name kid
"Uhhh yeah sure whatever" "Beat it kid"
thats because youre addicted to being raped
you cant just blame the parents of this generation, or parents in general, sibling, enviroment, along with hundreds of other factors lead to the increased "maturing" of these children. and can you honestly say that when you become a parent, that you will know exactly what to do, when to be mature, and when not to be? they will grow up as many have before them, they will only slightly differ from the teenage population by one maybe two years max.
Kids are becoming more and more "mature" at younger ages, and now tend to find human reproduction parts funny
OMG run NRA hes gonna rape you ...or attempt to at least
ummmm on second though something seems extremly wrong with this all
I do indeed bite my thumb Yes F. Several year od acting classes can do that to a person the just start rambling random shakespear movie quotes
Romeo + Juliet
No sir not at you but i do indeed bite my thumb @NRA you want to fuck my bloody thumb....have fun with that then
I bite my thumb at you. Good day that is all.
use imaginary equations in order to find a recriprical of 0 lol wuh
quoted for WTF lies did you just call me homeskillet? ummm