me so horny me love you long time
I would have made it so sora had kept his castle oblivion memories
OHH SHIII *hides unconcious body in ditch*
Omg hai...
way to fail
your cousin hehe
your sister
your mom thats who
that is all
peace bro..
would you rather i write a bullshit filled page saying that i really will miss so and so and that i will be here or there, no, im leaving because there really is no point to being here, i almost feel as if i lose an IQ point everytime i come on now. this site has long since died, and what is left now is just a remnant of a decaying body of what once was.
Bye kids you hold no appeal to me anymore
Dude, its because of bullsh!t like this that people hate you, Everyone here gets made of to some degree, but you have to take almost all of what is said here with a grain of salt. Its really not gonna change other places hate to kill the dream, but seriously, is the fucking internet get over it
hmmm nice logic, im in
i meant reaper the orgy is happening in his bed after all
....wait a minute, does he have any say in this at all?
ive stopped reading all of your spoilers Rep. its that bad now.
good job kiddo is it bad i kinda want to hit him?