yah.... http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg37/thelightisgone123/Terrell_Morgan.jpg
posted before me on this thread
A hot thread is one that is popular i believe, the first one has new posts that you havent read, the second is still popular but hasnt gained any new posts since you last visited the page. of course IDK really just a guess
Im on and off every now and then
I guess we just dont like you very much
Me Gusta Mas
Whats wrong\?
Ohh we did....its just we know its true....and it disturbs us greatly
ever split open a battery
OMFG that dude is amazing i wish i was that ripped
Chuck Noris?
and thus a new fad is born
aww so you didnt remember after all how sad lol that means theres only a few people who legit remember
lol love ya amber
pshh its so easy to figure out older names what was my original one lol
pshhhhh youre incredibly lucky i remember pyro at all there lol ok neither of us have to love eachother long time even though its pretty apparent you want it from me
what more do you want?
hmmmm how you speak though i almost wanna say pyro
you do realize this is the first time ive been here for like three months right
awww ok then you can love me long time