awww he legit likes her and is trying to change his ways lol
Do we as human beings have a unique entity within each of our specific bodies that is described as a soul? I honestly believe we do, have something there that controls us on our more baser levels of thought such as emotions. For example, if there was a brain transplant, the person reciving the brain wouldnt recieve anymore traits from the doner besides a few muscle memories. So here are the base questions, do we have souls that are unique to our specific bodies, and if so where is this soul located.
because i saw your mom naked why did you streak at that football game
do i know you
im going with the theater department of my school, so mostly friends. it may be awkward though because im the only straight guy going and i have...
Drag queen
boo to you as well
......frozen gummy bears or gummy bears in cotton candy icecream
.......all i can say here is ...poke it
OMG outside....and not by webcam.....and i have
im gonna be there for roughly a week, its going to be amazing
im related to alexander bell the dude who invented the phone
Well i feel this is your first real prolounged interaction with Axel, i mean you see him see him almost every other scene or so, so yah
doubtfull but do tell
seems like our personalities have swapped to some degree
London haha
Its been much to long, you still live in england right, which area, because im going to be there next spring
Boo...with that i bid thee farewell
Ohh i see what they did thar
Is secretly my mother