its the hair gel it airs tuuuuuuuuesday :D
I hope you get better soon!!! <3 oh and your avy reminds me of my msn avy (ron w/ chocolate saying "That b*tch!" - I like yours better though [video=youtube;0X1I0fDKjT8][/video]
View attachment 22624 Its kinda hard to find good pics of him since he's not famous yet...
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thank you <3 and I guessy ou can't tell from that picture - but I'm a DD (DDD is some brands) and if I don't wear a bra its really bad xD haha - I have to buy swimsuits with underwire in em xD and I got sick the night before Halloween - on my party ): which suuuuuucks but I got to watch Halloween movies all day!
they use to go to my knee they go mid calf now xD
a carrot shredder a kitchen knife and a cheese knife haha i was gonna make this epic harry pumpkin but we could find true shavers we only took the skin off the pumpkin for the teeth i can't wait to see yours though!!! oh and pic of yuna cosplay View attachment 22464 i still need to figure out how to attach the bow and flower haha xD and those boots are from 6th grade!!!! o_o *i'm a junior*
I hope I can pull her off - I don't know if I can pull her off did I pull her off View attachment 22463 (this is the only picture that turned out - and its the one where i'm showing off my boats from 6th grade THEY STILL FIT!) the only problem with this outfit is you can't wear a bra... and i can't not wear a bra... oh well you'll just have to deal with bra straps oh and the obis a little small and we don't know how to attach the flower and bow xD and the black shirt is kinda big aaaand i don't have a wig yet but i have the braclet and earings!! :P
thank you :)
View attachment 22462 heres a picture :D
I has 8 plat and 7 pro I use 7 <3 halloween halloween halloweeeeen <3 haha I'm carving my pumpkin right now - its a big pumpkin eating a little pumpkin and the little pumpkin is like DX Oh nooo and then the big pumpkin is like >8D mwahahaomnomnom aaaand my yuna cosplay came in the mail today <3 and I'm gonna wear that passing treats out/maybe go out with friends?? ehh i don't need candy and I'm gonna wear a German Beermaid costume at my party tomarrow >8D xD but yeah I love halloween <3
halloween halloween halloweeeeen <3 haha I'm carving my pumpkin right now - its a big pumpkin eating a little pumpkin and the little pumpkin is like DX Oh nooo and then the big pumpkin is like >8D mwahahaomnomnom aaaand my yuna cosplay came in the mail today <3 and I'm gonna wear that passing treats out/maybe go out with friends?? ehh i don't need candy and I'm gonna wear a German Beermaid costume at my party tomarrow >8D xD but yeah I love halloween <3
Yesh! The day before my birthday :) and ohmigoodness love your avy - alice right? :D
disapointed at the lack of sam and his short gold shorts in this episode of glee ): aaaaaand gotta wait 2 more weeks till new episode of glee BUT DARREN CRISS IS IN IT!!! *squee*
*steals and puts in sig*
no he's making fun of that guy
[video=youtube;BSE6mzAJyxg][/video] I kinda wanna sub to that person just because he makes fun of shane dawson xD
[video=youtube;x0shLINhTH4][/video] I prefer no intros - I do not rewatch a video if there is an intro