great times :)
3 if you read back earlier last saturday a boy who went to my church, who was my sisters friend, took his life
you should all judge all of them otherwise its not fair and don't force them to choose from only 5 songs, not many people will enter then (plus thats just stupid, sorry) but its your contest, not mine anywho real reason i came back again: [video=youtube;SGvMcCCPou4][/video]
*magically poofs in* wow a major sadden was pulled in this thread o-o star and I had trouble with just 3 JUDGES at one point xD yeah i'm not gonna judge hun and you better not steal our Anybody from Adobe Premiere users, to Windows Movie Maker junkies, to Vegas gurus can participate. Just post up the links, and you can PM Me! slogan! and whats with you guys and improving o-o amv making should be fun not a learning experience! gosh you guys can suck the fun out of everything! *magically poofs out*
Happy Birthday person who shares the same birthday as me!! :D
o_o 5 judges is a lot star and I had trouble with just 3 at one point xD and a few times only one of us judged the contests xD haha and the best way to judge I found is to get a notecard or post it or somethin and write the persons name and write your fav thing bout the video and the least and star it if it has the possibility of making it in the top 5 (3 if you don't have as many videos) - don't judge on one thing, judge on the video as a whole and don't plan on having a lot of people join - because you may end up disapointed and frustrated and I don't get the pick songs and separate groups and stuff - unless you're planning a beta battle @I copied and pasted the first post from the last contest we did ): I miss those contests (Zhe One and Only!) OMG! A SIXTH ONE! We're nuts I know! Anyone can enter! (you didn't have to enter in the others) ------------------------- Anybody from Adobe Premiere users, to Windows Movie Maker junkies, to Vegas gurus can participate. Just post up the links, and you can PM Me! or Stardust with any questions!! =D ------------------------- RULES: ~ MUST be about Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy or Death Note. AND NOW FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST IS ALLOWED!!! WOOOT!!!!!!!!*cricket chirps* ~ Please don't use songs that are just a bunch of cuss words o.O;;...Use common sense on this. Let me put it this way: Mindless Self Indulgence or worse isn't acceptable unless it's been cleaned up, capiche? A little bit is okay, but not...Overkill. =D ~ Have fun or we'll eat your guts out >=D. ~ Don't spam O.O;. Stardust and I are pretty talkative, so we'll get off-subject fast...Lol, just TRY not to converse with us too much XD. See the first one for proof. ~Sorry only one entry-per-person this time. -------------------------------------------- Deadline: 04/06/08 (heh they're all evens) --------------------------------------------- Suck Up To the Judges! Larxel_lover *I HATE linkin park! and all yaoi except for Axel and Roxas! * Love chirstian music (skillet, toby mac, barrlow girl, thousand foot krutch, and hawk nelson) and other random bands like nickelback and all american rejects! Loves the slow pretty love songs the best!! Coming up next are the silly songs like disney songs and banana phone! Sorry I'm a sucker for those kinds of songs XP I'm such a idot. But I hate it when people make a video to songs that our from the game like simple and clean XP I'm sorry but thats stupid. And well... yeah... (Stardust you wrote so much more then me!! D'= ) Stardust * I'm not big on parodies with a bunch of cussing x.x;. They make me cringe more than laugh. (Larxel - Same.) I mean, don't get me wrong, all of the parodies I've seen have been funny...But some of them really make my ears bleed, too =3. * I'll listen to anything from classical to country (maybe not so much country XD), but mostly, right now, I like rock and metal. A lot. Any kind of rock and metal. ... Except mindless screaming, like Soilwork. I really don't like Soilwork. Think: Evanescence, System of a Down, Sum 41, Linkin Park (sorry, Larxel XDD), Skillet, Breaking Benjamin, etc. * Extraordinarily long intros and credits get me bored pretty fast XDDD. * I'm not too big on Simple Plan. I like some of their songs, but most of them make me want to rip their guts out D:. (larxel - not the biggest simple plan fan either!) * I'm not going to eat you for pairings or anything, but I despise RikuSora more than any other pairing. Just to let you know. XDD I'm not big in the yaoi department...I like Sokai, Somine, AkuRoku, Larxel (larxel- i thought you meant me for a minute...), and a lot of others that I can't think of off the top of my head >.>;.
ahhhhh - I forgot you were from canada *silly me* You're my hat!! and I think they're just filming part of primeval in canada and all BBC America has is Dr. Who xD Well I have to go Luna, thank you for helping distract me <3 but I probably won't get back on in a while but you can message me on yt or email me ( / ) I really miss talking to you guys, but I do not miss this site
they have aired on syfy channel and bbc america- they're kinda old so they don't show them anymore and I was gonna buy em too - they have them at best buy - but I also saw the price and was like 'yeah i'll just rip them off of youtube' xD yeah - i still have the cough so i hope i don't wake up again like that tongiht
bahaha xD yeah I discovered alp in alice then i watched primeval =3 i woke up in the middle of night coughing... multiple times... waking up my family - which meant I didn't have to wake up early for church :D
same! i was watching alp's vids then i came across that and watched a few other next gens and that was by far the best and gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah day light savings time i thought it was 8:30 - but its 7:30 Dx
haha ohmigod i saw that before too!! xD haha yes it is the best =D
but his parents have a 13year age diff DX DX DX
ajk: good ace: fine i don't care if you get banned
yes yes yes and I just pretend that Teddy doesn't exist
yeah thats why i hate it why people are all like "OhMG Lupin and Tonks are sooooo cute <3 <3 !!!1!!one!!" cause I'm like "Uh no its not" if lupin was still alive today he would be 50 and tonks would be 37
*hits both of you with pillows* go read the rules you idiots!
haha thats better then the whole tonks x lupin thing tonks was in her 7th year while harry was in his 1st
o_o are you serious!? *hits with pillow* Read the rules *Shoves to the rules*
because you broke the rules *hits with pillow* i thought you just had a name change -.-