!!!!!!!! Its Uhura in the new star trek movie! I tried to find a clip from the movie, I failed, but I did find this: [video=youtube;sm_ICwRRjkA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm_ICwRRjkA[/video]
we're watching a movie in dance class with that actress in it, she's a ballet dancer (With a lot of sass) just in case you wanted to know xD
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You guys do know I still stalk the fourm -.- so you know what you guys get? A fangirl attack *evil smirk* View attachment 23314 View attachment 23315 View attachment 23318 View attachment 23316
Arch: [video=youtube;H_e0oL9J1Rw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_e0oL9J1Rw[/video] ((warning to others who are gonna watch it, contains spoliers for Deahly Hallows))
i found a lot but only got the sexy shirt
thats why you go shopping online ;)
xD So did any of you go shopping today? My sister got like 10394839842 DVDs and CDs at target xD I got this sexy shirt: http://www.wbshop.com/Harry-Potter-.../HPBDDHDMWT,default,pd.html?cgid=hpcaashirtsa
Oh you silly Canadians [video=youtube;mWQf13B8epw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWQf13B8epw[/video]
Did you know when Tom Felton was nine he had a pet chinchilla named Stanley? Yeah Tom's awesome level just raised another 18.4 points
bahaha okay you're forgiven then :P cause we tottaly were talking before the time warp and I thought you knew who I was xD
hey! thats my birthday video <3 xD
Yeah I barely remember the book, so it was good ^^ Its better the second time! my friend and I started cracking up before Harry and Hermione started to dance and people kept glareing at us but we couldn't help it xD Heres some more Snape for ya
Wait Ienzo, did you never know I changed names? Or did you just forget? because I've talked to you after the name change, I know that
Congrats Star!!!!!! *hugs* And you too forsaken!!! ... I just don't know you as well xD
stardust is a mod! you know what this calls for!? A SMILIE PARTY! :type: :locked2::locked2: :locked2::sleepy: :sleepy:>:sleepy: :/gasp: :/gasp:> :/gasp::):):) :guns:>:guns: :guns::rockdover:>:rockdover: :rockdover: :yelling:>:yelling: :yelling::censor2:>:censor2: :censor2::nono:>:nono: :nono::stupid:>:stupid: :stupid::(>:( :(:locked:>:locked: :locked::sleep:>:sleep: :sleep::why?:>:why?: :why?: :guiltygearXpc37:>:guiltygearXpc37: :guiltygearXpc37::registro5B15D:>:registro5B15D: :registro5B15D: :yell:>:yell: :yell: :censor:>:censor: :censor::nomore:>:nomore: :nomore::starwars:>:starwars: :starwars::<3: :<3:> :laughing-smiley-004>:laughing-smiley-004 :laughing-smiley-004:silence:>:silence: :silence::crashcomp:>:crashcomp: :crashcomp::glomp:>:glomp: :glomp::ranting:>:ranting: :ranting: :xp:>:xp: :xp::bounce:>:bounce: :bounce::ninja:>:ninja: :ninja::star-wars-smiley-02>:star-wars-smiley-02 :star-wars-smiley-02greenbounce>greenbounce greenbounce:kiss::kiss: :kiss::sigh:>:sigh: :sigh: :roar:>:roar: :roar::fight:>:fight: :fight: :poketoungeb:>:poketoungeb: :poketoungeb::wow:>:wow: :wow::bored:>:bored: :bored::nerve:>:nerve: :nerve::speechless-smiley-0>:speechless-smiley-0 :.-.: :speechless-smiley-0 :.-.: :.-.: > :inlove:>:inlove: :inlove: :sideways:>:sideways: :sideways: :ninjacat:>:ninjacat: :ninjacat: :ff10sora:>:ff10sora: :ff10sora: :poke:>:poke: :poke::woohoo:>:woohoo: :woohoo::blink:>:blink: :blink::mellow:>:mellow: :mellow::spam2:>:spam2: :spam2::=D:>:=D: :=D::imslow:>:imslow: :imslow: :shocked:>:shocked: :shocked: :gunwtf:>:gunwtf: :gunwtf: :dead:>:dead: :dead: :party-smiley-015:>:party-smiley-015: :party-smiley-015: :whatsthat:>:whatsthat: :whatsthat: :birthday:>:birthday: :birthday: <:mail::mail: :mail: :spam:>:spam: :spam::B(:>:B(: :B(::huh:>:huh: :huh::satisfied:>:satisfied: :satisfied::rockband:>:rockband: :rockband::cryinganime:>:cryinganime: :cryinganime::party-smiley-013:>:party-smiley-013: :party-smiley-013::wacko:>:wacko: :wacko:=:bangbang:>:bangbang: :bangbang::luv:>:luv: :luv: =:sorry:>:sorry: :sorry::B|:>:B|: :B|: :p>:p :p :hairy:>:hairy: :hairy: <L:sarcasm::sarcasm: :sarcasm: =:Awesome:>:Awesome: :Awesome: :crybaby:>:crybaby: :crybaby: > :unsure:>:unsure: :unsure::badimg:>:badimg: :badimg::lol3:>:lol3: :lol3::sneaky1:>:sneaky1: :sneaky1::/8D:>:/8D: :/8D: ;)>;) ;)=:guns4:>:guns4: :guns4::roll:>:roll: :roll::lolface::lolface::lolface: :cold:>:cold: :cold::offtopic:>:offtopic: :offtopic::sweatdrop:>:sweatdrop: :sweatdrop::action-smiley-057:>:action-smiley-057: :action-smiley-057::lol2:>:lol2: :lol2: :sneaky:>:sneaky: :sneaky::/D=:>:/D=: :/D=::D>:D :D:guns3:>:guns3: :guns3: :rofl:>:rofl: :rofl: :sparta:>:sparta: :sparta: :china:>:china: :china:=:noworries:>:noworries: :noworries::sweat:>:sweat: :sweat::action-smiley-030:>:action-smiley-030: :action-smiley-030: :lol:>:lol: :lol::sly::sly: :sly: ::L:>::L: ::L::o>:o :o:guns2:>:guns2: :guns2::rockdoversad:>:rockdoversad: :rockdoversad::yessir:>:yessir: :yessir:=:cheers:>:cheers: :cheers:=:nonono:>:nonono: :nonono::stupid2:>:stupid2: :stupid2: > > >
Stardust says I should call you an idiot