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  1. Lulus_Moogle
    it's been done before xD
    It's just not terribly popular
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jan 15, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Lulus_Moogle
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jan 12, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Lulus_Moogle
    Love! <3

    And particularly good finders!

    haha, I just feel like every hufflepuff is bascially the same person in the books, she didn't work very hard on the chars xD
    I'd be in Slytherin 8D
    Or Ravenclaw - but I'd suck at getting into the commonroom so I'd ask to be transfered to Slytherin xD
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jan 3, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Lulus_Moogle
    Tonks is an exception so shhh
    and she kinda bugs me too because of what she did, at the end of the last book, that pissed me off -.-
    But Hannah Abbott is also a hufflepuff and she though Black could turn into a flowering shrub

    Kill the spare!!!! 8D

    Oh and Luna that picture is tottaly my desktop right now - but I didn't crop Pottsy out :P my fav part of that picture is he's looking at her, and not what she's looking at <3 <3 <3
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jan 2, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Lulus_Moogle
    Alan Rickman is Harry's father 8D

    Ohhh you haven't read the books? The fact that you like Cedric and Hufflepuff now makes sense

    Oh and Arch - kill the spare!
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jan 2, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Lulus_Moogle
    Don't kill Draco!!!!!! ): He's just misunderstood, *hugs Draco*
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Jan 1, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Lulus_Moogle
    Pins are a pretty neat idea
    and I'm only posting here cause you told me to star :P xD
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Dec 31, 2010 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. Lulus_Moogle
    *magically pops in*
    Hey! Happy Holidays! I miss you guys! Shoot me a message over msn sometime :)
    *goes poof*
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Dec 29, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Lulus_Moogle
    I've read/heard he likes to draw
    I never imagined him to be good xD

    "I can't do this anymore"
    "We need you."
    "If I hadn't have been involved, Tom'd still be alive."
    "No, there's a handful of people in the whole world who know what's going on here, what we're grappling with, and you're one of them. That would've made his day! He'd have loved it! So you can't bail out now."


    hey you should get on msn!

    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Dec 26, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Lulus_Moogle
    OH I remember the movie
    it was crap
    I couldn't find the alan rickman doodle but I found this:

    I knoooow D:
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Dec 26, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Lulus_Moogle
    haha I want to too! But Rupert said Alan kept it and still has it xD XD
    It all started to come back to me too! 8D

    I'm rewatching primeval now, I'm on ep. 4
    I hate ep 4 D: Its the first episode that made me cry
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Dec 26, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Lulus_Moogle
    its my parents account thats connected to it so not my money 8D
    I usually pay them back though xD
    its about like everything xD
    sooo many random stories too like during the filming of one of the classroom scenes in the early films rupert got bored so he doodled with the ink and parchment they had on set and he drew an unflattering picture of Alan Rickman xD And then Alan came up behind him and saw it, Rupert said he was horrified cause Alan usually stays in character, but Alan really liked the drawing and asked if he could keep it xD
    Yeah thats all I remember about the theif lord too - and there was a kid named scipio and one of the kids was actually rich and stole from his own house
    and wasn't their a magical carousel that like made you younger/older ??
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Dec 26, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Lulus_Moogle
    I only got a $15 iTunes card - but I spent $25 8D haha I wonder if my dad will notice... if he does I'll just blame tax... yeah taxes xD
    I got this awesome Harry Potter behind the scenes of the movie coffee table book (Link)
    It's soooo awesome 8D
    I got up around 8:30 and read Looking For Alaska (John Green) till 10 I got half way though the book xD
    Ohmigooodness the Theif Lord was one of my fav. books when I was little!!
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Dec 26, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Lulus_Moogle
    hint on 6: there are no spaces and is a what, not a who
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Dec 22, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Lulus_Moogle
    I diiiiiiiiiiiiid
    and I did it all on my own too
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Dec 22, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Lulus_Moogle
    All the stupid kingdom hearts kids lets log on to kh-vids!
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Dec 20, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Lulus_Moogle
    Profile Post

    just click it :P

    just click it :P
    Profile Post by Lulus_Moogle for Stardust, Dec 18, 2010
  18. Lulus_Moogle
  19. Lulus_Moogle
    I did
    Post by: Lulus_Moogle, Dec 17, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Lulus_Moogle