I don't know how it works in silly Canada but you go on college visits junior (11) year and then narrow down choices then by Senior year you should have your top 2 schools that have accepted you and choose then But I went to NIU (Northern Illinois Uni) their mascot is a huskie 8D 8D But they seemed okay, they have a quidditch team I saw so thats a perk :) And they're pretty close to chi-town which is a major plus I went to IKEA today too :) :) Got some shelves and this awesome picture frame thats for 7 pics and it looks like a roll of film Now I'm just chillin in the hotel room using their free crappy interwebs that can't handle dA ): and watching POTC I got a jar of diiirt I got a jar of diiiirt and guess what's inside it!
It's spring break yay but that means I have to go on stupid college visits for stupid colleges I don't even care about cause I have no idea what I want to do with my life DX and ughhh
l just came home from prom 8D I'm exhausted but too wound up to sleep and my feet hurt and my ears are ringing but all that dancing was worth it sooo much fun
It's really good ^^ It flows very nicely, and flow is veryvery hard! You just had some very long clips, it worked, but long clips are hard to perfect because you can lose interest :) The How to Save a Life one was also very good, I really enjoyed that one!! :)
whaaat? *tries out* Cedric Diggory's Death was a tragic accident (based on my avatar) this could be fun... gddfsjAba HAHA! You cannot see this! This is my first canned reply
My pop-up blocker blocked the sound so I didn't hear it at first ): There are 2 sounds that make a gamer go 'oh Sh*t I'm screwed" - one winged angle, and kefka's crackle They tease, they tease but yeah I saw that within 15 mins of posting ^^ PUPPEH KITTIES!
)': Becker/Jess = cute and inocent where Becker/Sarah were like "I really like you but I'm not going to say anything" And ffff- Have you been on starkid's new site?? Go to 'starship' It made my day 8D
I would, I'd be like "I"m not gonna stop hugging you till you guy back!!" and then he'd awkwardly put his massive arms around me xD So much Becker and Sarah </3
Leek! God I hated Leek!!!! I know right!!! ~ I think if I ever hugged Becker he'd just stand there motionless going <.< >.> <.< xD
Caroline? I liked her because my name is Caroline, and because of her Connor said her name, which meant that Andrew Lee Potts said my name 8D 8D 8D 8D But yeah I want April to go crawl in a hole and die But did you watch the first video?!?!!?!?! HE LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8D
bahahaha! This one is my fav! Dear spellcheck, If you have no spelling suggestions for a particular word, please don't say that it is misspelled. Sincerely, I have no time for your nonsense, this paper is due in an hour. *writing paper on harry potter = spell check to go crazy* OHOHOHOHOH Primeval news: [video=youtube;hEFs7OxlfLs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEFs7OxlfLs[/video] (This one has some mild spoliers so just postin link) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hngmnzvVPRE
I changed it back to pink!!! It's just so fabulous!!! 8D
Chev made it for me ^^ So go and tell him *Link in sig* and I think the pink is FABULOUS
Tis Lea Michelle, she plays Rachel in GLee 8D And if that was at my school kids would've gone up and put money at his feet xD
I was just wondering xD
Hiiiii I'm just here to show off my pretty new avy and sig made by chev 8D 8D 8D I miss you guys ):
Hiiiii I'm just here to show off my pretty new avy and sig made by chev 8D 8D 8D So what's up?
Hiiiii I'm just here to show off my pretty new avy and sig made by chev 8D 8D 8D And why is my name in yellow on the front page?