si! thank you cat <3
haha its the truth xD
I like to point out there was no glee in that post [video=youtube;BnacMOfcxsU][/video] [video=youtube;ewEnt-hmW0s][/video]
I don't know if he knows how to wear contacts xD (he's asian and has extremely small eyes) but I'll make him wear cat-eye contacts if he can but if not my friend will photoshop his eyes
I knooow but our Magnus is straight and is only doing this because I'm forcing him to at gunpoint he is dating our Maia xD
mortal instruments = epic win (clockwork angel was amazing too!!) love that series, my friends and I are currently planning a photoshoot for it (going to base it off of the battle at the end of city of ashes) :) we've got a magnus (he refuses to let us get an alec though D: ), a clary, a simon, and a maia, and I'm going to be izzy we need someone to be Jace though Dx aaaanyway Nephilim = offspring of Mortals and Angels
HEY! Cat can you alter this pic for me: View attachment 22367 like fix the saturation and make the eye all pretty like? :D please and we don't talk about the boys in here we just post the pretty pretty pics :) oh and best Dead Fantasy: [video=youtube;WcK7Y9VSs5M][/video]
Final: thanks :) its not done yet and voice altering it just altering the pitch of the video so youtube won't take it down, in this case its lower and I know i can't stand the audio either and dead fantasy is pretty cool so no dissin it :P
amazing cat! can't wait to see the rest!! [video=youtube;tTRuZd9hOl4][/video]
I know *insert funny video here*
SORRY I JUST RANDOMLY CHOOSE A COLOUR D8< Oh! I forgot bout my psp! xD @Luna I played my friends/neighbors N64 / PS1 / gb back in the day - my parents wouldn't let me get one
bahaha yeah I have a ps2,ps3,gba,ds,and wii xD
I forgot about Home xD @Nope we don't have avatars (I have the first version)
I own both I only use my Wii to stream netflix - and I could do that with my ps3 xD and we don't have avatars on the ps3 xD
PS3 > Wii
If you somehow get a hold of one of the first ps3's yes, but new ones no saddly I got my ps3 when it was cheaper then buying a blu ray plauer Dx And I just found out that the guy who does the voice of the dad in Phineus and Ferb is Riff Raff in Rocky Horror - this frightens me a bit
I want those silly bands o_o !
I'm getting a Yuna cosplay for my b-day!!!!!! :D :D sorry just had to tell someone