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  1. sora n roxas rock
    OOC she's just bored lolz

    I do sometimes

    Sora's worse for it...I think he can be just as bad as Dark there -Riku replyed-
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jul 17, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. sora n roxas rock
  3. sora n roxas rock
    hmm? -she said- Oh yah it was we cant be there already...Can we?
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. sora n roxas rock
    So I'm guessin your mentally lost -Kairi said-
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jul 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. sora n roxas rock
  6. sora n roxas rock
    What is? -she asked looking puzzled at seth-
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jul 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. sora n roxas rock
    OOC W00T lost ness ^_^........And Sora's on the run again lolz

    Great -Riku sighed- he's lost again

    Sora's always lost -Kairi smiled- You'll find him tho

    OOC2........I'm not all that lost ^_^'
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jul 14, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. sora n roxas rock
  9. sora n roxas rock
    Profile Post

    meh wish I was better

    meh wish I was better
    Profile Post by sora n roxas rock for Doukuro, Jul 14, 2009
  10. sora n roxas rock
  11. sora n roxas rock
  12. sora n roxas rock
    OOC if you want ^_^

    Well I read up on them they sound cool -she smiled- but yah I've never have seen one so I dont know that they are actully like
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. sora n roxas rock
    Why don't you trust us? -Kairi asked-

    Just wondering anyone seen a kid about kairi's age this tall -He held his hand just above Kairi's head- with spiky brown hair? wearing a black short sleve jacket over a light blue top with read joint pockets and wearing black poofy 3 quater lengths with red bags on the side of them...oh and he may be carrying a giant Key with a giant key chain? and maybe walking around with two animals an angry duck and other one that looks like a dog and the called donald and goofy? -Riku asked-

    OOC they dont hate him they just dont know reaper lolz
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. sora n roxas rock
    Profile Post

    yep how are you??

    yep how are you??
    Profile Post by sora n roxas rock for Doukuro, Jul 6, 2009
  15. sora n roxas rock
    I love Dark angels -she smiled- I don't know why but I think that they look awsome

    OOC lolz its true one of my nicknames is dark angel lolz ^_^
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. sora n roxas rock
    ...You like being mean -said Kairi and Riku together-
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. sora n roxas rock
    Oh...wouldn't that make you a dark angel? -she asked- ...well you seem lik th nice type -she smiled-
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. sora n roxas rock
    he's awsome, awsome personality, awsome fighing style, and awsome in how much he loves Roxas as he saves Sora so in a way Roxas lives ^_^ and I just think he is awsome ^_^
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. sora n roxas rock
    your an angel? -she seem nicer then them...I mean they are nice but -she said as she thought that she had said something wrong-...Sorry
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. sora n roxas rock
    still it seems that in your mortal years you have lost a few of your cells...Now I am normaly a nice person but I'm not to you as you seem to be a horrible person...much like one of the people I used to know -she said as she stood with her arms folded and glaring at reaper-

    -Riku walked over to reaper-...How have you peved her off? -he asked lookin at kairi then back at reaper-
    Post by: sora n roxas rock, Jun 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home