OOC lol Yah...So who is ment to be looking after us?
Like a sword that you can change -He said as he sommoned his wing keyblade- Kinda like this one It can also take the shape of a giant key -Kairi added-
Why no start now??
I hope they have somewhere to go
-Riku smirked when he saw how dark reacted- you can use a keyblade you know -Kairi shook her head at Riku-
So where do you think we are? -She asked looking around-
oh ok...So he'll like us eventually...Good -Kairi smiled- ...He is Sora -Riku said looking at Dark- I'm sure he is
Really? do they still Idol him do you know? OOC it's ok
...So you pretned to hate people? -Kairi asked-
will do ^_^
Hmmm has anyone ever been nice to him? -she asked-
He now hates us -Kairi said- Nothing -Riku said-
lol yah ^_^
Done I've added some pics ^_^ I wont be able to put all of them on tho coz there are tones T_T
yah ^_^ most of their stuff is Yaoi ^_^
there are a tone of pics...I'll put some up but have a look on here http://majin-sama.deviantart.com/ and...
^_^ I've joined can I add pics of cosplayers?? they are Yaoi Kayliegh and Majin donno if you have seen them but they are awsome AkuRoku pair
can I be Xion plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ^_^
Ok got sommit wrong with me (donno whay) but I hope I'm better in 3 days ^_^ and ok will do
-Aqua looked a bit scared- Thats not fair