I'll help Rexejon -Rikka said-
Ok so who's looking for the potion and who's looking in the libary?
Nope...I don't mind if other people do because its up to them but I don't because its not fair on them...Do you gossip? -She asked as she picked out another skirt only this time it was sparkly and pink but shorter- What about this one...If I wear leggings or tights under it -she said as she held it to her weist-
Thank you...Do you think that we should check the libary like you said?
like talk about people? -she asked as she looked through some more skirts
...oh...so what do you suggest? I know but we got to try
Cool -she smiled- Oh thanks I was thinking that too
Hey wait -Rikka said going over to Rexejon- You could help us look for the potion
-Kayleigh thaught for a moment- So what about the recipe?
So different from my style -She said as she picked out a really nice blue skirt that goes to her knees and a pink and blue top with a nice flower pattern going up the side of it-
couldn't we got there and get the bottle or would it be gone or too dangerous?
Oh...It happens I guess...What kind of clothes do you like?
but which is easier to find?