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  1. Stormwolf101
    CHOCOLATE~ D: *screams like an insane person* I'm weird. The only cookie I'll eat is a chocolate chip cookie. Well...double chocolate is good too. Eck! You're manking me hungry now.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Stormwolf101
    Haha. You guys are fun. x3 Yay~ We can be kind of random here.

    So how many of y'all make videos to things other than anime and KH?
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Stormwolf101
    Well they do ruin everything. xP Their dang uploader sets all my videos like a second off sync.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Stormwolf101
    Nedaix narrowed her eyes. She had been quite annoyed by the earlier argument. It took all of her self control not to tear the others to shreds. She ran a hand through her dark red hair, pushing it back into her coat before pulling her hood up as ordered. "Stay with this group?" she said cruelly. "With these immature whiners. I'd rather go...hunt for some fun." She grinned slyly.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Stormwolf101

    No, I didn't download them. They come with Windows Movie Maker. Do you have the latest version? I have the WMM that comes with Vista. I wish I had Vegas though, but it's too expensive.

    Anyways, omg! Thank you so much Stardust. That means a lot coming from you and your awesomeness videos. ^^

    EDIT: Oh and hi, Larxel_Lover! Yes, it's a small world. I'm gonna add you to my friends' list here too if you don't mind. =)
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 25, 2007 in forum: The Playground
  6. Stormwolf101
    ooc: Alright, thanks. ^^


    Nedaix scoffed, wrinking her face into a snarl that almost matched that of a wolf's. "Are you a fool?" she asked in a biting tone. "Unless you want true feelings, we need hearts. Don't fool yourself by thinking you can feel already. We can only truly be complete once we have obtained our very own heart." A cruel smile stretched a cross her face and she twirled her silver moon necklace idly. "Until then, we are nothing but nobodies."
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Stormwolf101
    ooc: Hey, guys. Is it too late to join you? I tried to read most of the important posts, so I'm not sure. If it's alright to jump in now, I'll gladly join.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Stormwolf101
    4Kids ruins a lot of anime.

    Anyone hear about Funimation doing the American release of Ouran High School Host Club? They're going to be the company that releases it here, possibly in 2008. I hope they don't ruin it with crappy English voice overs. I usually always end up liking the Japanese VAs much better.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 25, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Stormwolf101
    I'd save Axel. He didn't really deserve to die. But I also loved Demyx. He was never true evil either and didn't even like to fight, so it's a hard choice. But because Axel is my fav., I'm gonna have to go with him.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Stormwolf101
    Thank you!!!
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 25, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  11. Stormwolf101


    Heheh. Wow. ^^ A lot of you like the same things so far. Cool. Yeah. Jesse rocks. I really want to go to one of his concerts next year.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. Stormwolf101


    I'm guessing you like wolves too. ^^ *pokes your pretty wolf icon* Hm. You play Ookami? That's one of my other favorite games besides Kingdom Hearts 2.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. Stormwolf101
    I just noticed I posted this in the wrong thread at first. Sorry about that. I'm new here and I only read Sarah's first topic on the rules which didn't so "No AMVS" but it seems okay to post them here. Again, sorry to cause any trouble.

    Well, the uploader here won't work for me at all, so I suppose I'll just post some of my videos in this thread if that's alright. I joined this place hoping to upload some things and hopefully get on the top 5 videos someday, but that's pretty impossible when the uploader won't even open up for me. Oh well.

    Anyways. Hi. I'm Stormy and I'm new here. Call me Storm or Stormy. Doesn't matter. Just don't call me Wolf or Wolfie. I'm female, so Wolf wouldn't work.

    I hope to get some reviews and make some new friends while I'm here. If you have a YouTube account and want to talk to me, I'd be happy to add you to my friends' list.

    EDIT: Ah, thanks x3rty! I can use the uploader just fine now. ^^

    EDIT 2: The link to the uploaded one.
    Thread by: Stormwolf101, Jul 24, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  14. Stormwolf101

    Here's mine. Made completely in Windows Movie Maker since well, I have no other video-editing program anyway. youTube messed up the timing and quailty a bit, but I hope you still like it. It was hard to choose which video to enter. I almost choose "Roxas is Losing His Ground" or "Passion" but decided to go with this one.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 24, 2007 in forum: The Playground
  15. Stormwolf101


    I'm StormWolf. Call me Storm or Stormy. Just don't call me Wolf or Wolfie, please. I'm female so Wolf wouldn't really work. Anyways, I joined here hoping to upload some videos and hopefully make the top five someday, but sadly, the uploader hasn't worked for me so far. I can sign in easily but whenever I click "Upload" it asks me to log in again, and when I do, it says "Bad user/password". o_o I'm really not sure what to do about it. If anyone can help, that'd be great.

    Anyway...what else? I love wolves, but I probably didn't even need to say that as you probably already guessed that by looking at my username. Kingdom Hearts is my biggest obsession at the moment. I also love anime (preferably Wolf's Rain and Ouran High School Host Club), Disney movies, American animation, and cartoons.

    Music is awesome. I like Evanescence, Linkin Park, Jesse McCartney (Roxas, haha), Kelly Clarkson, Josh Groban, t.A.T.u, and even instrumental movie score soundtracks. My taste in music is very vast. I'll listen to just about anything except extremely hard heavy metal and rap songs that have no real point to them.

    This is my first YouTube account which I use to upload videos to KH, Balto, and All Dogs Go To Heaven.

    Here is my second YouTube account which I use to upload videos to Wolf's Rain, Fox and the Hound, The Lion King, The Lion King: Simba's Pride, Blood and Chocolate, and Bambi 2.

    Feel free to check them out.

    That's about it. Hope to chat with some new people and maybe make some new friends while I'm here.

    ~ Stormy
    Thread by: Stormwolf101, Jul 24, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. Stormwolf101

    Gay Gene?

    I think some people are born gay and others choose the life style. But either way, I accept gay people. I mean, hey! Half of my friends /are/ gays and lesbians and I treat them all with respect. They're not bad people. In fact, there some of the nicest people I know and usually end up being the truest friends.

    If you are in need of a friend, feel free to leave me a message. I'm always eager to support gays.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jul 23, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner