I have an Axel and Roxas plushie and an Axel and Roxas action figure for real. XD *AkuRoku obsessed*
Well, I guess my wmm is quite different.
Huh? I only did the 35 seconds I was supposed to. O_O http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrTRh7kD3Xw
Thanks!! XD
Here you go guys: http://hosted.filefront.com/Stormwolf101/
I have finished my intro! I put it on FileFront, right?
Holy crap! Axel has his on theme song? XDDD Awesome. I totally loved that. "A.X.E.L... Got it memorized?"
Thanks! x3 Wow. I never thought you'd all like my videos so much. There's so many brilliant movie makers here, I thought you'd think my work is mediocre. xD
Well, I started working on the video this morning and it's the afternoon now, so no. I wouldn't say I work that fast. XD Editing takes time. Especially with WMM that likes to freeze and skip.
New members! XD Hi, Stardust. I have 27/35 seconds done of the video intro. So how are you doing? ^^
And hello to you too. ^^ Zomg! A Reno lover! A love your icon/sig.
Hi! *gives you a cookie too* xD 25/35 seconds!
I don't have Limewire either.
Welcome! We are fun. x3 *gives you a virtual cookie* Oh, btw. I have...22/35 seconds done. XD
"Breaking the Habit" is pretty good too.
I like Linkin Park, but there are some songs by them that I don't like much. However, I really like "Somewhere I Belong". The other ones I like are: Points of Authority By Myself With You My December Numb What I've Done and "In The End"
I'll be back soon. Food~
"My butt is all wet now!" XD He's hilarious. And let's see... I have 13/35 seconds completed. XD Dang.
Yup. And the one where Sora's training in the playground. xD