HSM is ebil. :P Stormy no likey anything that has to do with HSM.
What song is that from?
Well, anime sometimes gives me strange dreams. I don't know if any of you have seen Wolf's Rain but one of my old dreams was me running around some windowless building with Toboe. o_O And then another one when some giant prehistoric-like bird came down and grabbed Kiba and then took off with him. Yeah... Maybe anime and sugar before I go to bed don't mix. :P ...I had a smexy AkuRoku dream once, but maybe you'd rather not hear about it.
Maybe you watch too much cartoons like I do, Larxel. xP Or strange movies/musicals that give you odd dreams.
Lol. Your dreams sound fun. xD The weirdest dream that I had lately was one where I got to meet Jesse McCartney and had him sing right in front of me. Then I woke up and it was just a dream. I was pretty upset. xP
Ack. Said it before and I'll say it again...HSM sucks. xP
Hey, all. What did I miss?
Haha, I hate High School Musical too. It's just a bunch of popular-type teens singing and acting like they're 'all that'. It's probably one of the only Disney films I hate. In fact, when it comes to Disney, I prefer their animated stuff. Their live action stuff is mostly bleh. :P
Hi, guys! Woah, you talked lots without me. I just got done puppysitting.
I'm here. Might not be on much tomorrow though. I have puppysitting to do. XD
Cool, I like Skillet. This song is awesome. I need to do an AkuRoku video with this. "Hold me down..." lmao. Goes perfect with that scane of Roxas pinning Axel to the ground. Now brb! Food EDIT: Dang you TYPOS D:
Well, the song is "Lies" by Evanescence.
Haha, I've seen that too. I looove Quinton. XD
Someone guess this song XD No cheating, so no looking it up. But through my tears breaks a blinding light Birthing a dawn to this endless night Arms outstretched, awaiting me An open embrace upon a bleeding tree
I...don't know! But lemme guess. Nightwish? xD That's probably not it but I dunno.
http://cgi.ebay.com/Kingdom-Hearts-...goryZ307QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Stardust, that's the seller I bought my soundtrack collection from. A LOT cheaper than Amazon. The CD case is not the original but it is still made very nice and all the CDs played fine in my CD players and especially fine on my computer. When I put the soundtrack on my computer, it actually displayed the track names in English too.
Balto isn't even a Disney movie. Nor is All Dogs Go to Heaven, but I still love them both. Balto is by Universal Studios and ADGTH is by Don Bluth.
I LOVE Balto. <3 It's been my fav. movie since I was 3 and still hasn't changed one bit. XD I have Balto 2 and Balto 3, but they're no where near as good as the first movie just like most sequels. xP The animation in B2 could have been better and Balto 3 was kind of missing a nice plot... I also have a Balto and Jenna plushie. XD I wish they made one of Steele. Steele is so freakin' awesome. He's my favorite. lol Yay for insane malamute doggies!
It's a lot cheaper on eBay, Stardust. XD I got mine for about $40 there. Also, what's wrong with liking Disney stuff? Who cares what the world thinks. I do Balto, Lion King, Fox and the Hound, Bambi 2, All Dogs Go To Heaven etc. music videos and I know a lot of people that like them. Heck! Animated stuff if pretty much all that I watch. I have a ton of Disney plushies too. ...>_>' ...<_<' ... *hugs Bambi plush*
I plan to buy the KH2 manga soon. My icon is from the manga. ^^ And that is what Axel says in the Japanese version. "Come home with me." x3 I have a feeling the text will be a lot different in the American release though. >_< My KH stuffs includes: KH1 game KH2 game Roxas figure Axel figure Roxas plushie Axel plushie Riku figure Sora figure Kairi figure Kingdom Hearts Another Report book (the one that came with Final Mix. I don't have final mix though. Just bought the book that came with it from a seller on eBay. It has a Axel/Roxasish story in it which is the main reason I bought it even though it is in Japanese) And the complete 9 disc Soundtrack Collection. EDIT: Oh! And I also have the huge English KH2 game guide which helped A LOT the first time I played KH2.