Thank you~ ^^ <333
Aw. Why do I always miss the parties. Ah well. Well, I ish here. And I bring with me new videos. ^^ This is late, but here's my AkuRoku day video. It's not my best, since I threw it together kinda quick, but I still like it. Don't diss it if you don't like AkuRoku, please. I'm tired of homophobic comments. All they do is show how unaccepting the world is, so please don't do it, people: And here is an AkuRoku, Nala/Simba, Spirit/Rain, Balto/Jenna video with "Vindicated"
Here ya go. x3*Adobe+M...grabber&utm_medium=mall&utm_campaign=25530292
Thanks, Stardust! I just thought that Adobe looked cool too, so I was wondering. ^^ My friend xTheHatedx uses it and her videos are freakin' awesome. It looks like the program comes with a lot of effects. Watch this video of hers. I command thee to! She pwns. x3 She said she got Premiere for $80.
I love "If Everyone Cared"
My WMM can't even do that. XD ...*sobs* I dunno which to save up for. Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere Elements. They both look spiffy. ...Why do I love the word spiffy? *pokes it*
What new editor are you saving up for? ^^ Not much either. I've just been working more on my "Only This Moment" music video.
Dogs rule all. xD What's up, Stardust? Sorry I wasn't on much today.
Well, yaoi is more popular with girls, I suppose, and I know a few gay guys that like it too. But it's understandable that it wouldn't be a straight guy's interest. A lot of my music videos have some sort of storyline to them. It creates more of a challenge to sync the scenes with the lyrics and give it more of a meaning. It can be frustrating to work with sometimes, but it's still fun to me.
Hey, everyone. ^^ I finished another vid. AkuRoku "Apologize" - One Republic/Timbaland: YouTube crapped up the timing; made all the flashes a second early. >_< But, it's still looks ok, I guess. I might make a LiveVideo account soon and see if the quality is any better there.
KH Vids LIVES!!! <333 Hi, everyone. x3
Ack. I hate things like that. When I was a kid, I watched something similar and when it popped up, I started crying.
La de daaa. *yaaaawn* I'm bored too. :P And tired. I should've went to bed earlier. I'm just chillin' out, listening to Jesse McCartney. Sing for me Roxas! Roxas: But I'm tired. I've sang these 38 songs about three times already...and that's just in one day! Me: Well do it again! >:D *ties him to a chair* ...Erm. I'm a little hyper today. xD
No problem!^^ Glad I could help.
It probably wasn't Blue Laguna. I've been using that site to get most of my clips and they play fine. I even ran virus checks on a few files I got from there and it says they're not infected.
Ah! Here's another good site with great DVD quality. Try this one. ^^ - Ending - Credits.avi
Well, you could try getting it in high quality from this FileFront host first. It's not the same file from KH-vids, but the quality is much better than this site's videos.;7160034;/fileinfo.html EDIT: Nevermind. XD You just said Ultimania doesn't work either. Umm...let me think.
Hola! ^_^ Um. Gee. D: Lemme see if I can remember where I got it from...uhh...I really don't recall. XD I think I found it on some livejournal site. I think...
Yeah, I do. ^^
I always thought it was stupid. :P A play about popular kids and preppy teens. Ohh~ How cool. *sarcasm*