Pasta or Potatoes? Impressions? Could you draw me, I'm collecting User drawings? xD
I told my parents, both we're pissed. My mum filed a complaint this morning and apparently my dad was gonna kick his ass. I have very aggressive parents.
I ended up sleeping in my mum's room, now my back hurts.
What's a TGI Friday?
Final Fantasy XIII - Was fighting 10 different Sanctum, flying, spinny things and at the exact same time, all of them decided to pick on Lightning, who is my main character. Sims 3: World Adventures - Sim decided to be not listen to me and got herself stuck in a tomb, her husband could of saved her, but he was too busy flirting with an Egyptian woman by himself.
Mobile Heavy Duty Cleaning Product! Cleans your nose on the go for those super tough messes!
No, it was originally AngelsNeedFlight, but I changed it because I felt it was too childish. I'll probably post a thread about it.!
Um.... no That only causes bushfires.
You sure you ain't secretly a Twi-Hard?
I don't want my room back, I like my 'slaps', it's rare that I can attack my brother's without getting in trouble. >: ) I want my quilt! She still has it, and it's now 2:18. I'm gonna end up stealing her bed soon, though it's too thick for my liking.
I'm in, sir! Is it me, or have people been dissapearing since spdude took over?
Oh lol! Until September 14th, I'm a British citizen, after that, I'm British-Australian. So, it doesn't work yet, plus that only works when you're camping, :3. I'll probably take my kangaroo out for a ride later on and maybe go and sing with a koala while defending my bush surrounded cabin from a hungry, hungry crocodile. Yes, I am tired. xD
Maybe she was advertising a new mobile air freshener?
Well, my brother let me have one of his 'slaps' if I let him have my room. Please refer to How I Met Your Mother. Yes, because if I die from frostbite... I will be DEAD, and that won't help me, will it? Haha! Their fault, but I'm at a loss.
Gonna leave again.
You never know.
My mum has stole my blanket. She's sleeping on the couch with it. I've told her to go to bed, she then called me a 'Cheeky *****', and fell back asleep. I'm cold... My brother has stolen my room, that's how Mum got access to my blanket.
Ditto! I just joined out of curiosity.
I found my pal pad number!! I want to fight with someone now!!
I think it's because they are trying to see how strange we are. That's why they stay as guests.