No, she's very persistant. She'll either make me go another day or she'll drag there.
Macho Vampire Slayer?
Who's Blade?
Yeah! He was purely amazing!
Before I get dragged to watch Eclipse tomorrow? I think it will be less painful.
Lol, yeah! That's stuff I learned when I was 14! That's what it says. What kind of love do you possess for pokemon?
I am about to start City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. It's only now they I got my hands on the second novel, I love the romance in it though, absolutely different, but twisted. So fun!
Well yeah, still bad back, all day, no fun!
I like a complex movie, I'm more likely to lose the plot in a simple movie because of boredom than to lose the plot in a complex one. It looks really good, though I don't know if it's out here. My friend drags me to see every movie, because she gets tickets for a dollar, so odds on favourite, I will see it.
Why does your text box say Pokemon Love Club?
I wish to see a guy wear eyeliner here. I've only seen American's do it. Boys here are boring.
Hello, I'm Crumpet, pronounced Krumpay! : D I hope your stay is enjoyable, read the rules, post lots and eat some sushi. It's good for you!
It has something to do with 1769 and your birth year, I believe the first few are just to get the number around the number you times-ed it by.For example, say you go on every day a week, doing the first four will give you 750. Adding either 1760 or 1759 either adds or takes away one certain number, then when you take away your birth year, it will leave you with your age and how addicted you are.
I lost the game.
Just gonna fem up this convo xD. Some guys pull if off and make it hot. My skin tone and hair colour doesn't suit eyeliner, I look like a monster.
I was half expecting DeathSpank to pop up and start talking. Please explain the game.
I didn't know KHV has an arcade.
Ahhhh, what's your pal pad number!
There aren't any birds near me, there are birds though.-.-;
Haha, that will never happen.