It was before the password.
Awww, we're the same age!
We've fixed it.
My average pokemon level is a lot lower than Red's, I need to train. I beat Pikachu in one hit, then his Blastoise murdered me.
I haven't bothered with the Red Gyarados yet, haven't had to fight him. I'm still trying to beat Red. I really want a Squirtle.
Wait, I was the only girl! He was probably doing it to piss people off, but wouldn't he go for a chat with more girls, than with six guys?
I haven't either. Is it just luck that you encounter one?
Not after that.
Nobody go on that page, some guy ruined it. We need a new page. I actually feel a little sick. Maybe it's because I was the only girl. Was looking at khv page, then some guy was screaming about the Rated R Man.
What exactly is that?
We don't get snow though, so that's one more you've got on us.
Lol, we all are.
You dung it? Maybe he can ride some dinosaurs?
I apologize that I was having fun while you were sitting here reading all these apologies.
Finished City of Ashes... will start City of Glass by Cassandra Clair, when my brother gets his room door unlocked. Idiot left the keys inside his room, that's where his book his. I'm currently reading Beautiful Malice by Rebecca James. I don't think I'm up to the psychotic part yet. :l
What I hate about myself, is that when people don't hide spoilers, I get so angry at that person for not being fair, however, when people put up the 'spoiler' tag, I end up clicking them before I even think about the consequences. Spoilers can be extremely annoying, I like to be shocked and surprised, however, I can't really hate them seeing as I'm stupid enough to open them.
You've had to stage kiss?
Bump, for the same reason.
So your gonna make out with your cousin because a girl won't notice you? I read that correctly, right? And didn't you say your cousin looks like you? That girls gonna be pretty freaked out.
I'm gonna be a dual citizen soon!