I don't like watermelon.
Haha! He wasn't on tonight. Could explain why everyone was in a good enough to break out into song.
It had somehow turned into a musical. Even the customers were singing! I have no recollection as to how that happened.
I'm going back in, don't know which room though.
Yet I still can't find the game. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Damn! Probably have to buy LeafGreen now.
That sounds nice. Wish I still did stuff like that. Have lots of fun!
He might hit me again. :l I didn't see that last remark until now. Oh I did, for about 10 minutes straight. Eh?
Now I have the desire to sneeze. If I start sneezing, I can't stop. What do I do?
Do you know if you can trade from a GBA to a DSi?
Flaafy. I like Flaafy
Knight and Day. Except for the fact that all the bad guys had horrid aim, seriously horrible aim, it was a pretty good movie. The plot was different from all the spy movies I've seen. Cameron Diaz's roll was quite entertaining. Apparently, it didn't do too well in the box office, which is quite sad.
Pokemon HeartGold - Red kicked my ass. :l
You did not write that!
I know a few people near me who will be absolutely devastated, but I'm one of those people who will buy manga and anime, because I like being supportive, so I don't use onemanga too often. Still, I use it to see what some manga are like, so it will be hard on me for that.
His idea of trading is him giving me pokemon in exchange of me telling him how I use the toilet.
There's no way I can finish it, the one guy I know who has SoulSilver is creepy.
I want to hit you right now.
Okay Smeargle - Ruins of Alph, Safari Zone Kingdra - Have to evolve Seadra via trade with Dragon Scale Crobat - Have to evolve Golbat via happiness Delibird - Ice Path - Soulsilver only
I can't read text talk.
Bulbapedia is good for searching pokemon.