You're in the wrong thread.
Okay. PM me as soon as you get to the Xaldin fight please.
Cornerstone dump? He saves you during the boss fight in Beast's Castle the first time.
Khkid and I talked and I have been given credit for this code: Code: Big Special Effects for Re: CoM 20338650 xxxxxxxx replace xxxxxxxx with... 3E400000 = invisible/I'm growing a beard at this point. 3E800000 = to little/mega slow 3F000000 = little/slow 3f800000 = normal 40000000 = big/fast 41000000 = huge/mega fast 40800000 = to big/ultra fast 40C00000 = WAY TO BIG/Can you keep up? One because he mistyped it in his posting of the code. And two because he's nice.
Big Special Effects for Re: CoM 20338650 xxxxxxxx replace xxxxxxxx with... 3E400000 = invisible/I'm growing a beard at this point. 3E800000 = to little/mega slow 3F000000 = little/slow 3f800000 = normal 40000000 = big/fast 41000000 = huge/mega fast 40800000 = to big/ultra fast 40C00000 = WAY TO BIG/Can you keep up?
Just get to the a fight where Mickey saves you, then dump the game during playing as him okay?
It sets a code to a certain button.
New code: Big Magic effects for Re: CoM 20338650 xxxxxxxx I made it.
Beast's Castle for the first time?
Just keep playing the game until you get to the Xaldin fight for now. When you get there, send me a PM.
Nope. Not possible. WAIT! You figured out how to work emuhaste? You hit snap process first, good job.
Anything in the game. It just depends.
Now I'll have to get AntiWeapon or someone to do it for me.
Wait, are you Mickey during the Xaldin fight right now on your emulator? Meaning, Sora died and he took over?
It usually changes either speed or size.
Give me the dump then please. Put it on rapidshare.
Okay, choose PCSX2 on the emuhaste menu. Then, hit dump game.
Xemnasfan, use Erkz's code to warp to the Xaldin fight, or did you do that already?
Just about done? No rush.
The dump has to be as Mickey when Sora is killed by Xaldin. Meaning, he has his own command menu.
You can have my emuhaste.