Ratchet and Clank
Take the file, drag it onto the white area of PS2Dis, then drop it there.
Just drag it and drop it on PS2Dis. You're not a noob.
Well, it really depends on how long you've been gone.
Most of them.
I think you need to GET A DUMP. Seriously, dude.
Thanks guys! Sorry I forgot the attachements.
~TUTORIAL UPDATE~ Welcome to the NEW hacking tutorial run by me. I hope everyone has fun and learns something. Today, we will be maing a 32-bit RAW code, and then converting it into 2 16-bit Codebreaker codes. Sound tough? It's not tough at all, and I promise you that you will get it right away. Grab FFIV's ROM and start up VBA. Now, when you get to the world map (TUTIMG1) hit pause(TUTIMG2). Note, your pause menu should look different than mine because the text on mine has been hacked by an experimental code of mine. Check your money, then open up your trusty Windows Calculator. Type in the value displayed for your money exactly as it is shown. Then, click the HEXIDECIMAL option and the number will automatically be converted into Hex. There we go. We have a money mod. But, it's not over yet. "Aww man. I have this stupid 32-bit code that won't fit into my Codebreaker." Not a problem. This code can easily be changed into two 16-bit codes. Go to disassemble on your VBA and type in the address of the money mod and it should take you to the address. Now, when you get there it should be one 32-bit code, but, not to worry. Change the game's code writing from Automatic to THUMB and the 32-bit code will then be changed into two 16-bit codes for you. Now, you change it into a Codebreaker code by changing the first 0 in both lines to a 3 because 3 is the 16-bit encryption for the GBA. Note, I did not give out the end code because I wanted people to figure it out for themselves. Hope everyone found that easy because it's just the beginning. PS2 is next.
He doesn't. Sad thing is, he has no idea what he's doing. Seriously, why not just buy FM+?
Yeah, and you get some cool stuff for solving them.
Would someone please test this? 00355f04 00000000
Listen guys, sorry that there was no tutorial update yesterday, but there's some business that has to be taken care of first. Hang in there. I'll update it soon.
I still play it, too.
You need a dump because it will show the amount of the thing you're searching for. The ELF won't. Anyway, everyone grab FFIV's ROM. The GBA version.
What did she say? Oh, she's offline now.
For KH2, you need a dump. Not all games are the same.
What did you say?
You need a dump to find the HP mod. I can't help you. Sorry. DjC, go get Sara.
Tell her everything. Wait, Sara's here. Get Sara.
I don't know any of the mods. Is Sara here?