I need 2 dumps. 1 of Sora before getting zapped, and 1 as Riku. Thanks!
Hey. You can emulate KH2, can't you?
It takes a LONG time to learn how to hack. Good luck, kid.
Thanks dude.
Yeah . . . what are they? I never actually got the code.
He's not 12 . . . ON TOPIC: What are the room mods? (text file please)
That's unneccessary. No offense . . .
Yep. I learned how to hack.(pretty much) Just a few things left . . .
Sup, guys.
Thanks, dude.
Do you mean the ELF? Cuz I have it.
Thank you!
I just made this cuz I was kinda bored.
I think it's very good. Hats off to the person that made this.
The Ultima is definitely the best.
Here you go: Code: Ultimate Boss Battles (Solo and with party members) 11C94F04 000002EE 01C95088 00000080 01C9508C 000000FF 21C950A8 00000064 21C950AC 00640000 11C94CAC 00001B5C 01C94E30 00000080 01C94E34 000000FF 21C94E50 00000064 21C94E54 00640000
Ultimate Boss Battles (Solo and with party members) 11C94F04 000002EE 01C95088 00000080 01C9508C 000000FF 21C950A8 00000064 21C950AC 00640000 11C94CAC 00001B5C 01C94E30 00000080 01C94E34 000000FF 21C94E50 00000064 21C94E54 00640000
Sup guys. I've got a new avatar and I'm ready to get going on codes!
That makes sense . . .
This story occurs while Sora is battling "Ansem" (Xeanort's Heartless). At least, that is what I believe . . .