Demyx grunts and snores, knocked out cold. "Mommy, read me a story." he murmurs in his sleep. Stitch, when it was handed to him, he tore at the burger, eating everything, including the wraper and the end of one finger of Axel's glove. He burps and seems contended. "Okay, Stitch Good." He chuckles, takes his onion rings, and goes to an empty table to eat. OOC: Stitch is eating, Demyx is once again in comatose. I gotta go.
I have my own idea!! At last! I will be writing for ours on each chapter, and I will have the first three parts up before you can say Great Googly Moogly. SneakPeek: Traped. In a tunnel where the water that ran along the back of your sneakers like cold ice, and where it smelled like burned sulfur, stinging the nostrils. Green light illuminated the face of Blaine, but a young teenage girl, no taller than five feet, and weighing no more than 90 pounds. She was quite small for her age, and at the moment very afraid. Slowly she back up against a wall. How unfortunate she did, for when her black hair touched the wall behind her, a cold, wet hand slid out of a pipe by her ear. It was old and wrinkled, covered in scabs, and wreaking of dead flesh. Slowly, the hand crept out of the pipe, and grabbed Blaine by the end of her ponytail, tugging at her, and causing her to shriek and try to pull away from the grip. More gradually, as she was stuck, more hands much like the first slid out all around Blained and began to tug at her clothes, smashing her against the wall. She would scream seconds later, but no one on the surface would hear her. And then suspense until you can all read the first parts of: In the Pipes. An epic horror story filled with mystery. Yeah, it's that many genre's in one. Oh, and I decided on a female lead because that's how the image came to me. I was just in bed, in the dark, when a computer-generated image just flashed in my brain showing a thin teenage girl with black, tied back hair, in a black hooded jacket and jeans. The scene was the one you just read.
Stitch tapped his chin again. "If you aren't evil,...Make Me A Sandwhich!" Stitch started off happily, but went maniacal at the end, finishing off with his signature sinister laugh. "Mommy..." Demyx murmured from the ground, grabbing Axel's leg and humming to himself in sleep.
This is true. In fact, you are responsible for a fair few of my threads not dying. And even though I've started a new story, this doesn't mean I'm staying on for sure. I want to stay, but if I get caught, I get caught.
I changed my name since Febuary. She might not know my current username. And what I do is use Internet Explorer, go to google, search, go on KHV, then delete all history of google and This keeps my computer from remembering the URL. 0.o....The fact I would be missed as much as an admin...makes me think I spend waaay too much time on here...xD Thanks Xaale. ^^ Pika...I will never change my name to a poke'mon that looks like a cheerleader made of bark. >< And I could never leave this account for another. Did you get a name change? Who are you?? >>....<<....Really sorry. She does it because she worries about me. But, she doesn't really have to worry about me here. All online predators may now raise their hand. I also wondered about all these name changes. Sirius is by far most likely my favorite. But Dr. Evil made me want change my name to Austin Powers, no kidding. Thanks...person with really long name. ^^"
Wow, full day. I have to go to confirmation. But before that, I'll be playing Pirates of the Caribbean Online under the name: James Ropebutler. Don't ask. The game picked it out for me.
Nothing much in the past two days you asked. What about you, Oh Master of the Club?
It's true. God created imperfect. And try not to be pessimistic. Yet still so many have so different views nobody knows what to think anymore. Striving for perfection for God: The proverbial endless staircase, or an actual goal? Whether or not one believes in God, the current state of the world is far from perfect. Heck, I'd go out on a limb and say it's far from good. The only people really improving are some Iraqis in just one city. And they might take the wrong turn with technology like everyone did. Hmph. Some nut-jobs even say: "The world already ended. Welcome to Hell, everyone."
This is where it all gets interesting. As before the following day, only a few Nobodies were up early to start their day. Not as before, were they a total of five. Instead, only Larxene, Luxord, Marluxia, and Axel were at the table, too drowzy to even notice the one missing. "Hmmm..." Luxord finally thought to himself as he drank the all powerful coffee to reawken his mind. "Has anyone seen Demyx?" The others looked too tired to respond. Larxene had deep bags under eyes and her hair was unattended to this morning. Marluxia had hair curlers in his hair, with similiar eye related bags. Axel seemed the only one to have gotten proper rest. "I dunno." Axel grunted, grabbing his plate but quickly gasping when his hand made contact, the plate's lifting end falling back to the table. "What's the matter Axel? Too hot?" Larxene teased, loading up her plate to the usual degree. "No..." Axel breathed heavily, as though in disbelief. He seemed fully awake now. " was.....cold..." "You're joking right? Everything you touch either gets heated faster than a microwave can cook a taco, or becomes like that of the human remains in a cremetorium. Of this, I know." Marluxia said smarmishly. After he spoke, everyone looked away from him. No one even noticed the slight, swift vaccuum sound coming from Marluxia's direction. "It is prudent he failed to even get up this morning." Luxord joked outloud as he pushed down the tab the toaster for his English muffins to be cooked. But rather than going to the usual stopping point, without much effort, the tab broke off in Luxord's hand. Without the tab, the toaster began to heat up faster than it should have, growing red hot within moments. Luxord looked stunned from his hand to the toaster and assessed the current problem rather quickly. "Buffet the floor in a manner of rapidity!" He shouted as the toaster rocked back and forth, tossing the push tab aside and slamming down against the floor himself. "What??" Axel shouted back, not getting the rhetoic. "Hit the Deck, Now!" Luxord barked. Everyone did as they were told, except for Axel who was smacked in the face by a rougue rocketing English muffin as hot as a Victoria's secret model. Larxene shrieked in surprise as Axel landed flat on his back, the burninf English morning pastry planted on his face. She quickly leapt to her feet, the last English Muffin whizzing past her ear. "Axel!" Axel! Are you okay??" She hollered down at the limp body. "Get Luforf'fs bfeafast ou of mf face." Axel's muffled voice from beneath the no longer sizzling toast. "He's okay!" larxene shouted to the Luxord and Marluxia, who were just getting up ("Here, let me help you Marl-Great Googly Moogely!") "What is it?" Larxene called back confused. She was helping Axel get back to his feet, and was going to take the probably searing toast off Axel's face. "Marluxia's" Luxord gasped between words. He sounded paniced, a rarity for him. "Get me a mirror, now!" Marluxia demanded, and Luxord gladly obliged. When Marluxia looked at his reflection, indeed, his neck seemed a bit larger than his head, and his semmed only slightly smaller than its normal size. "Heads don't just shrink!" He shouted, and with another whoosing sound, his head grew slightly smaller. A blank stare for a moment...."Sweet Pickled Patoonias!!" Marluxia shouted at his reflection, which showed a head half as big as it used to be. Even his neck was slightly thinner! "That's the weirdest thing I ever-Ouch!" Larxene began clamly but immediatly became startled when she tried to remove the toast from Axel's face. "That thing feels like a freakin' iceberg!" She cursed, holding her cold hand with the other. "Axel, hold still..." larxene said with concentration, pointing one single index finger at Axel's face. Out of nowhere, a weak lightening bolt formed latterally and sliced the burnt English Muffin directly in half, revealing Axel's confused face. "Holy Shittake, Marluxia, what happened to your face?? Well...more than what happened to it before now." Axel couldn't help but be snide. "If I knew I would tell." Whoosh. A lift of the mirror once more, a girlish squeak and the mirror was a shattered mess on the ground. "Three odd occurences in one morning?" Luxord stood baffled. "A broken toaster, a freezing Fire master, and Marluxia's head has shrunk three times already." "Maybe it's all bad luck?" Larxene suggested innocently as she quickly got through her full plate. She check her wrist-watch and looked more paniced. "I'm missing a show I gotta watch, don't come to the den!" And she sped out of sight, leaving her plate empty. "Maybe...maybe not..." Came a hushed voice a short ditance from the door, and whom larxene passed without even noticing. "Maybe you should watch your own assets..." *** To continued!
Yes, and what every Christian (And Aethist who tries to look for something controversial) reads today is not the original Bible. Take a phrase, ask one person to whsiper it to another and another and another until everybody has heard the phrase from somebody, and what have you got? Begining "Harry brought garlic bread and spaghetti for lunch" Finished "Harry likes Sally, pass it on." I think the returning of God is quite nigh. And not because of all the signs in particular. Think of what He's given us, and we make it a mess. He gives us rolling golden valleys, and we make landfills. He gives us good soil to put crops upon, and we plant cocaine. He gives us the materials to expand our knowledge of building and make people safer, and we make strip clubs. If we're a redo of the Universe, then I gotta tell you, I think we're going to be blown up alot sooner than our predecessors. I wonder if they ticked the Big Guy off as much. (In a way. He's probably ticked off at the sight of the world, but not at us. Yet I think Bill Maher is somebody who really gets him personally.) The End may be thousands of years from now, and it might be soon. But like Death, even when the world crumbles, if you come to him, God's not going to shun you. If you go to him for the sake of your own, however, you will appear quite similiar to an old hag or a troll to him. Such creatures winde up in the mouth (Hell is like a mouth. It opens and closes, but with so many teeth, anyone already swallowed cannot escape.)
Yeah, I never really did get back to Axel and Luxord's tale did I?----Maybe someday. Everything's one big toss up at the moment. But if you're interested in fanfictions like Arabian Tale's, with the Organization XIII, I guess you could check out "Gradule Change". I just got huge writer's block for Arabian Nights and I'll just have to re-read it sometime and continue. Again with the self-esteem boosts! ^^ Thanks for the compliment on Role-playing, but I don't get who by changing your account and password your Mom can't spy. I mean, can't she still see your posts by going on the forums? Hmmm...Too bad everyone in my family knows about my Mom's myspace... I'm trying to not spam this thread up so itd be closed before some more of my friends could post here. So don't think I forgot bout this thread and what everybody types.
Yeah, I gotta agree. @Gwen: Don't expect a haunted hand to press against the back of your hair while in the shower. @everyone. Science hasn't actually disproved all ghost sightings. Long before photoshop, people would see people who weren't in the shot after the picture developed. And these were usually taken in houses. Science, all except for the stuck-up lab coats who are all like "This ish a fake! I knows it ish! I'll usesh shome exshcushe inshtead of running shome tests.", is even befuddled by some sightings. Heck, even some Ghost-hunters have stumbled across some real sightings in the past. They kept a camera running by accident, the kind that takes pictures every few seconds (Used sometimes for astrology, because Factoid: Stars move and we don't even see it.), and a young woman was walking down the stairs in a few shots. Shocked both the hunters, probably cuase they thought ghosts didn't exist either, and science. Lots of old legends do. I've read and watched a program about ghosts of London, and there's more ghosts than you can shake a stick at....or shoot thinking they were real people intruding upon a castle. That's what one guard did when he saw a stranger, a woman, running from a tower one night. But after the shot, the ghostly figure just kept running the same horrible trek of a certain bride of Henry the V(I forget which one killed like, several wives because they wouldn't give him rightful heirs). Know of two brothers who were killed long ago in the tower of a castle I can't remember the name of? The uncle killed them both for the know...sorta like the Lion King except Simba would be dead too and Scar lived his life happily on the throne. yeah, those two young brothers still play outside the same tower the were found dead in, even to this day. Amnityville, has tried to have been disproved, but explain why the current owner of the house doesn't even live there. Black and green globs of plasma crawls the stairs towards you, walls shriek and laugh at you as you carry a crucefix through the living room, a child makes friends with a little girl that nobody sees named Jody, enormous pig-tracks are found in the snow outside your home, hinting to the demonic oinker that Jody would sometimes take the form of, and a swarm of flies attack a Preist while trying to bless the house, when flies are supposed to be out of season like Lindsay Lohan. Screams can be heard from a certain little home on Elm street, in Odgensburg NY, right across the street from Dr. Sullivan's eye doctor shoppe. Why, thus the same house where a crippled wheelchair bound man was killed in his sleep by the very mortal, but not for long, Crazy Freddy, who later took his own life. Above the man's headboard was carved: "Rot in Hell."
Okay, lame joke at 9:33 PM while reading "Liberty Meadows" on Sue me. I do believe in logic and facts, but not when they're only excuses to try and squash the beliefs of others. Like milk, some scientists go bad. Or nachos. Sometimes nachos go bad too. Ghosts do exist. I have one in my own house. Not this house, but my parent's house.
Yeah, I've never been a big fan of science. Being a Catholic and those nerds in labcoats always trying to disprove miracles with dumb tests, I didn't even believe in gravity for a while. I walked off a cliff once,...and I started having a little more common sense. Miracle and other-wordly disprovements still have yet to make senske though.
OOC: Well at least you have a bite-happy lab-created alien to keep RP alive for tonite....xD Okay...I OOC too much..>,< BIC: Stitch, being torn off Axel's leg, still has a piece of Axel's uniform in his teeth. "Stitch no believe!" Stitch argued, speaking past the fabric in his jaws. He then spit it out by Demyx's feet. "Hey Axel, you know that Speacial sauce for the Spicy Chicken sandwhiches that we keep in the back to double as a Hair gel- Whoops!" Demyx begins, turning around, half his mullet back to normal, but the other end sticking straight up in the air, until he slipped on the wet fabric by his feet, once again falling on spine. "....Mommy...Why do stars appear whenever I'm in pain..*groan*?" OOC: I'm listening to the Rock Version fo Simple and Clean it totally made me think of Demyx...hahaha xD
Leaping out of the garbage bin, Stitch growled at Axel, and leaped at him, gnawing at his leg. His pink tail wagging since the hair on his whole backside had burnt off. "Come on, baby! No!" Demyx cried and sobbed as he tried to fix his mullet. "Now how will I get a date with Hilary Duff??" OOC: Tell me if the fourth wall breaking is a problem. Due to my latest fanfic, I can't stop breaking it with a sledgehammer like a crazy lunatic.
"AXEL FREAKIN' HELP ME HERE!" Demyx shouts, his entire head encased in jaws. "TAKE THIS ALIEN!" Demyx shouts some more, and uses all his might to wham his head, and Stitch, against a wall. "Oof!" Stitch mutters, scrunching up and squeaking like a chew toy on contact with the wall. But he still holds on. Go get'im, persistent little booger. "You wanna play hard ball huh??" Demyx asks gruffly. He then sticks his own head in the fryer oils, causing Stitch's rearend to be engulfed in hot liquids. "Huh?....YEEEEOOOOOW!" Stitch hollers as he lifts his backside out of the oils and jumps onto Demyx's head, blowing on his burnt tail. Demyx then takes one look in the mirror to see his entire mullet standing up like Axel's hair. "Gah! My Chick Magnet!" Demyx panics, and grabs a comb from inside his pocket, pushing the distracted Stitch off his head, and into a garbage pail.